
Only 90 more days until Christmas!

One of my favorite parts about Christmas - the Christmas card. Here's ours from last year. I keep them (ones we've received) in a little basket in our family room the whole year long, a habit inherited from my mom. Late last night I was struck with an irrational desire (it was 12:45 am) to re-read them, all. Despite my guilt about not being in bed it was delightful to leaf through the happy pile and see pictures, notes and little historical summaries from families and friends we love who are far away and seen in person too infrequently. I am already anticipating this years' updates!


  1. I'm with you. I think about Christmas all year...love it!

  2. Oh yes...Christmas is on my mind too.

  3. I keep the cards we receive in a book. It's fun to see how families have grown over the years. Last year the book was finally full so I have to start a new one this year.

  4. yikes, only 90 days. seems so close when you put it like that. where did the year go?

  5. Lynne: your card from last year was so enchanting with the poem and the linoleum block prints. I can't wait to see what you come up with this year...

    Oh and I love Carissa's idea of having a book! If only I had more room in my tiny house! I feel like all our books are spilling out all over the place as is!

  6. That is the best idea I've heard in a long time. I'm going to do the same.

    Happy Friday!!

  7. That is so sweet... i like that idea! Your mother is a wise woman!!! That really teaches you to appreciate the simple things like a card.

    Oh... I am so excited for Christmas too!!!

  8. That is my favourite christmas carol! I can't read the words without hearing the music in my head.

  9. oh wow.. 90 days!? yikes... so much to do!

  10. I am a Christmas person so I love that tradition...in our family we take all fo our Christmas cards as they come in and position them in the tree so all can see. It's a fun thing for the kids to find the next open spot.

  11. It was really weird to read how much time is running this year! My family and I just returned from our "summer" vacation (some pictures on the blog) and you are talking about christmas ;-) I guess, I should start ruminating about that, too!
    Can't wait to see more inspirations on your site!

  12. I was just thinking about what I was going to do this year on my cards! Receiving cards on Christmas is one of my most favorite things!!! I love them all and keep them also!

  13. Love your blog. Your so right its hard not to think about x'mas with all the shops already selling decorations.

  14. Oh my. Is it that time already? I suppose it is. Now you've got me looking forward to the holidays.

  15. Its just around the corner - eek! Love your card from last year. I think we will make our own this year.

    I keep all our cards - I have that cards that my mother received when I was born... I am a horder, I know.
