
class pet

The 5 year old came out of Kindergarten on Friday triumphantly swinging the blue canvas class kindergarten bag containing Peter the Kindergarten pet that all the kids get a turn to bring home one weekend during the year. Her popsicle stick, after weeks of agonizing waiting, had finally been drawn.

She decided that Peter and Padme (her beloved Webkin stuffed cheetah) needed to get married while he was with us. Love knows no bounds.

I immediately jumped on the stuffed animals-marrying-each-other-bandwagon and quickly discovered that the 5 year old was a very demanding wedding-arranger, which I clearly should have anticipated. It was very stressful. Especially considering that it was only two stuffed animals pretending to get married on our front porch. I feel nervous and worried for what one day lies down the road. My girl had a very specific idea of what Padme's wedding dress should look like, whereas I, the maker of animal wedding dress, was thinking more along the lines of cutting out a piece of white fabric and safety pinning it on Padme. We reached compromise only when I pulled out the glue gun and offered to glue some fake flowers to the wedding cape.

It was a beautiful moment.


melissa said...

That is so hilarious! I think getting married must be a little girl fixation. My girls are always talking about who they are going to marry. Today the 2 year old said she was going to marry herself!

Unknown said...

that would be awesome if she married herself. very low-stress relationship!

Stephanie said...

This is the cutest story ever. It reminds me of the teddy bear from my first grade class. Though, I didn't marry off teddy.

Carissa said...

Sounds like an event my 6-year-old would plan. She is very detail oriented and specific in her ideas. She's not into weddings so much (she did say she was going to marry her younger brother though), but prefers elaborate zip lines and pulley systems to get her animals about.

Prue said...

Sounds like a stressful afternoon ended delightfully! Aren't the imaginations of young kids vividly wonderful?

naomi said...

thats gold!

Unknown said...

Fantastic, my five year old is similarly obsessed with marriage amongst her toys and in most cases the bride, (normally baby Rosa or Bear) take multiple husbands. Interesting...

Art Nest said...

What a cute idea...you must have some patient genes in your system, I would have lost it had I had to make a wedding gown for my daughters animals...
By the way, I'm giveing away one of my children's watercolor portraits...you should totally come and sign up!

tammy said...

too funny. Your 5 year old has such a geat imagination!!! I'm glad you got the pictures...they will serve for great blackmail when she dates later on!!!

Unknown said...

It was so funny to come over to the "reception" and see the just married sign laying around and all the leftover thrown rice. THe class, or the teacher, WILL have a good laugh I'm sure.

Elizabeth said...

I love that last picture....and they lived happily ever after :)

Mary said...

So so cute, and I love how the pictures tell the story!

Rubyellen said...

haha... it seems you will have your hands full when the time comes! she is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

That's so adorable :0)

Bethany said...

Ha! I think a girl who knows what she likes will go far! I was one of those girls who never thought about my wedding until I was actually engaged!! (Now I wish I could do it all over again!)

Zina said...

I just went on a hunt through two years' worth of photos to try to find the picture of the very nice wedding veil I made for my 8-year-old's stuffed animal. I didn't find it, but I did find this photo of another wedding couple, as well as this dress we made for her giraffe. Right now we're working on an apron for a small toy squirrel -- it's still waiting to have a little hand-embroidery put on the front.

Anonymous said...

It is sold for $1530.With a double zip closure and a compartment embossed with the replica handbags logo, replica bags looks gorgeous.