
-More Princess Sugar Loom kits in the shop today.

Joslyn has been posting lists all week of goals that people have made - specifically small do-able things, all to be done before your next birthday. Since I usually set impossible goals related to my many character flaws (things like: "return all phone calls promptly" - or - "never forget anyone's birthday, ever again" (happy birthday, Jen!) ) this is a refreshing approach.

For the sake of personal accountability, here is my list, then. "31 things before 32." But since it's close, in the interest of the whole do-able factor I am going to pretend like I am turning 9. I can do these, right?

1. Update family's 72 hour emergency kit (you never know)
2. finish the boy's Sugar Loom
3. take just the boy out for ice cream
4. take just the girl out for tea party
5. finish painting family room! (a project begun a year ago. Completion of this project may be iffy)
6. make my house smell nice (*any suggestions here?)
7. get my visiting teaching done early in the month
8. learn how to play just the first page of Claire de Lune (why did I not practice when I had the time). But I won't do this unless I've finished goals 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7. *Nevermind. This is just a totally unrealistic goal. Off list entirely.


  1. great goals. especially the visiting teaching one. :) and yay, i finally got a sugar loom. i'm stoked.

  2. thanks for playing along with us. Me and Jos love all this inspiration! I will link you today. xo amy

  3. I like your list. I always make birthday resolutions instead of New Year's resolutions. To make your house smell nice you should open all the windows to air the place out, and then bake something yummy like a pie or cookies. That ought to do the trick.

  4. Hey Lynne, great list.
    I have that last one on my list too.
    I don't know if it can happen in my lifetime, let alone by next birthday, but it is a good goal!
    My mom always stewed orange slices and cinnamon on the stove to make the house smell nice.

  5. I also have the "update 72 hr kit" on my to do list. Something about the crazy economy makes me nervous. For candle recommendations, I love the capri blue jar candle in red from Anthropologie. A little pricey for a candle, but it smells great and lasts forever.

  6. i love the idea of a birthday goal list
    one of mine is finish a quilt
    btw- i made my servant dress and it's on my blog
    if you want to peek

  7. Your list is great! I stew cinnamon sticks on the stove too and if I don't have oranges you can stick apples in there (just don't burn them - D did this once when I came home from a girls weekend and he was trying to cover up the enormous mess in the house).

    I would hire someone to paint your living room - it's not that expensive to outsource and easy to check off your list.

    And happy birthday (even if it's two weeks away!). You can never say it enough:)


  8. Hmmm... My suggestions for making the house smell nice... 1) open all the windows & doors and get a clean breeze to air it out. (And if there's no breeze, don't worry. It will still work! But definitely start with this one to air things out a bit.) 2) Spritz Febreeze on large cloth surfaces - sofas, curtains, chairs, maybe even the rug! They retain odors from cooking and past smelly-days, so give them a quick fresh start. 3) Lastly, once you close up the windows & doors for the evening, give everything a delicious smell for the evening by baking a favorite cookie or treat recipe. Or maybe bread... mmmm... the smell of fresh bread!

  9. oooh i love this approach. perfect. i wish i was turning 9

  10. Hey, thanks for the shout out!!!! I love your list! IF I can help with ANY of it, let me know. Especially #3, #4, #5, #6, #7.

  11. Reachable goals are very important to have. I have had a problem with the smell of our apartment since we moved in (it's a mixture of old and other things I can't figure out). I tried candles and sprays (and of course cleaning like crazy), but they only last so long. I recently got a Wall Flower from Bath and Body Works and it gives a coninual smell. I love it. I got a pumpkin scent for now so whenever I come in the door it makes me feel all fall like.

  12. I can't wait to see the boy's sugar loom!

  13. Wow!!! 32?! You're ancient....just kidding. Remember to respect your elders...and I am one of them...sigh.

    To make your house smell nice...I would say get rid of the kids , dog and hubby. just a thought, but really not prectical. I am sure you will finish everything!!!

  14. I need to make a list. I think the hardest part will be keeping it realistic. I am so excited I was able to order a sugar loom! I just ordered and I can't wait to get it.Is it here yet? I think I should go check!

  15. great list! (i am totally loving all the good smell suggestions here, too, so thanks for that!) :)! good luck with your 72 hour kits - i like to think we're still in the planning stages of ours.... :) -bess

  16. Hello, I wanted to thank you for the servant pattern that I purchased from your shop. I've just made my first dress and it was a dream to whip up - lovely, simple instructions. I've put up some photos of it on my blog and linked back to your shop, if that's ok.
    Thanks again!

  17. I love lists! I'll have to think about this a little. 'Do-able' you reckon? Hmm... reality. I really will have to think about this!

  18. Put a few drops of your favourite essential oil on your vaccum air filter. As you vac you are left with a divine smelling home. i use lavendar or lemon grass and orange. : )

  19. I am inspired now to take my boy out for ice cream, too. Because -- you know, he would love it. What other reason? :) (PS about smells...I would investigate "Lampe Bergeres". They work so well. Sort of like an oil lamp -- originated in French hospitals to eliminate airborne bacteria (i think!) but they also eliminate smells. I LOVE the grapefruit oil...very clean...You buy a bottle/burner and then the oil separately. My two cents' worth!) cheers, ella

  20. I am inspired now to take my boy out for ice cream, too. Because -- you know, he would love it. What other reason? :) (PS about smells...I would investigate "Lampe Bergeres". They work so well. Sort of like an oil lamp -- originated in French hospitals to eliminate airborne bacteria (i think!) but they also eliminate smells. I LOVE the grapefruit oil...very clean...You buy a bottle/burner and then the oil separately. My two cents' worth!) cheers, ella

  21. go visiting teaching! thank you for your blog. the title sounds like a poem, and the things you make look like one. thank you.

  22. What would my list include? Trying to fold my pile of clean clothes right after they come out of the dryer, instead of letting them wait in a heap all week for my attention...

  23. no kidding, melissa!! i think very thing that has been going on in my dryer since saturday morning :)

  24. Great list! I'm with you on the painting - my living room is pink(!) and will be for a while longer. For the yummy-smelling house, baking is great of course. Since it's Fall, put a pot of apple cider on your stove with the cinnamon sticks and orange slices that others mentioned? It will make you feel all warm and cozy.

  25. I like your abbreviated list! Whenever I buy homemade soap, the room it's in smells great,and I always tell myself I should buy more to stash around the downstairs. Haven't done it yet, though.

  26. I'm with Visty on how to make the house smell nice. I unwrap our Dove and put it in a shiny metal bowl on the back of the john. Smells subtle and airing the soap like that hardens it and makes it last longer.

  27. I have a bottle of lavender essential oil whihc I use with paper towel to clean the surfaces in the bathroom. I also place drops of the lavender oil on the corner of the lounge cushion or rug or whatever.
    Diffusers are popular here too. I don't like the sort you plug in, they give me headaches, rather a bottle of nice smelling oil, with about 5 bamboo reeds in it, long enough to stick out on top of the bottle. The oils then go into the reeds and fill the room naturally. I love it. I might try and do a post on this 'thing' so you can see.

  28. thank you so much for all the good smell suggestions!!! i have already begun to implement and am smelling the hard work :)

  29. great list - i love the solo time for things in there. and as for claire de lune, the first page is do-able. although that's as far as i've ever been able to make it without freaking out - all those accidentals, oh my. [hmmm... may have to make my own list including pages one and two.]

  30. http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/sf/how-to/how-to-remove-odors-from-your-home-020075
