
Please get this leaf off of my head!

I'm heart-broken. My friend Marcia moved away. She has a genius mind and always has the most insightful observations. One of my favorites: the ant theory. This theory compares us humans to ants living in Central Park. We are all so busy working, each carrying a burdensome leaf on our head, that we never pause to look around us. We never look up and see this amazing world we live in. Ahh, there's a whole world out there, so much bigger than we ever imagined. If we could just take those blasted leaves off our heads, every once and a while and look up, maybe our lives would be different.

Did any of you see 60 minutes two weeks ago about the Hadron Collider? Talk about broadening our views. Essentially the goal of the collider is to crash the tiniest particles together and recreate the conditions that existed at the very beginning of creation. The physicists interviewed said that through these experiments, humans might be able to better understand the nature of the world--how particles behave and interact. Perhaps even learn to transport humans through space, on a particle level. Some think that when the collider is actually set in motion, it could create a huge black hole that could suck us all into it. Though an unlikely scenario, we may, said the scientists, over time, be able to discover other dimensions of time and space.

I'm definitly a leaf carrier, perhaps sometimes a bit too over-focused on the chore at hand. Forgetting the big picture. My husband is naturally more of a big-picture sort of person. On Saturday, after he (most kindly) made several trips to the dump (to discard our broken old garage door,) the family got in the car for a little trip to the apple farm. When I sat in the car, my eye immediately caught sight of big hole in the smooth fabric ceiling of the car, apparently made while transporting the old garage door. Then I looked to the side of me and saw a tear in the leather on the door, then a big scratch all along the interior of the car. I pointed it out to my husband. "Oh well," he said. And that was that. But I could not take my eye off of that hole, and that tear and that scratch. The entire car ride, that's all I could see. I was completely consumed by my time and place and couldn't stretch my neck above it to see a broader view.

Somehow, the next day, Sunday, it all washed away, and I didn't care about it anymore. I had caught a glimpse of something bigger, something more important, and I let it go. I find that having a day to let go of temporal things, and focus on the mind and spirit, helps me to renew and take that blasted, blinding leaf off my head--at least for a few days!

(Oh and yes, this photo is of my husband's view from his office, overlooking Central Park. Now I know; that's it! It must be this view constantly before his eyes. That's what gives him a big-picture perspective!)


  1. Melissa, THAT is my problem - the leaves I'm carrying!!! I love that story and I am so sad for you that Marcia is gone. Sigh. (and I'm sorry about the car, too! Hee hee. That sounds totally like something my dad would do, too!)

  2. I posted today about a dress I'd like to buy. I think you win! Really a great post, I'm going to try to shake my leaf off for a little while today and look at the sky.

  3. Love your post Melissa. I feel the same way so often. I want to move to a farm in the country and do nothing but look at the sky and shake all the leaves off!

  4. Melissa, what a great post and a great reminder...thank you.

  5. That is so true. I need to get the leaf off of my head too!

  6. Hi Melissa, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I get that lovely complement a lot and I never get tired of it. I have great genetics to thank for it. I was recently carded at Cost Plus when I bought some wine. The sign said anyone looking younger than 30 will be carded. I was pretty happy the rest of the day. People are usually floored when I tell them I have a 23 year old daughter who is married. I'm 46 by the way and proud to say it! :)

  7. Thank you for a moment to think and reflect while sharing in your thoughts.

  8. What a great view!! I realized that the other day when I stopped and looked up at the sky and the clouds were moving very quickly by. I realized it had been a really long time since I stood still and looked at clouds! All this craziness of life will all pass... I just have to remember that! And I totally had the same experience as my husband shoved a long rolled carpet into mine and scratched up the front dashboard, permanently. Why is it that we immediately notice these things and they seem oblivious to them? I think it's because we're so visual.

  9. It's Marcia, Melissa. Right now I'm crying. But tomorrow I'll be creating and laughing in our new home. My phrase for the moment... BE GRATEFUL! BE BRAVE! Thank you for being my friend. I just love you!

  10. Marcia again. I've decided to stop crying now. We're going to the Denver zoo to trick or treat. Chin up, world!
