
a little sisterly mefiance + a grey dress

: French, 1. indifference, 2. mistrust, 3. cold nonchalance towards another--the perfect word to describe these sisterly moments. So far, at this age, the fighting is generally contained. Though I'm a bit panicky about the teenage years. I grew up with three sisters, as did Lynne. My sister two years older than me, was always stronger and quicker witted. As teenagers we used to fight a fair bit. After she lent out, then lost a pair of my shoes and pants and a sweater, I finally installed a lock on my door. Clothes were not the only point of debate. At other times, she would pin me to the ground and threaten me with a slow descending thread of spit. Ahhh! It's funny, but now we adore each other and enjoy each other's company immensely. Do you have any good sister stories to share? (Oh and yes that is a little pen sketch on big sister's cheek!)


  1. I don't have a sister,only a brother, but I have always wanted a sister. My brother and I get along great.

  2. I just love that dress, adorably perfect!
    My older sister who is 8 years older used to pin me down on the bed and tickle me with her hair putting it in my face, that was all the way down to her waist at that point. I hated that! I am not ticklish anymore and I swear it is because of her taking it all out of me with her torture! Fortunatley we are still friends :)

  3. Cute dress. Having brothers is pretty much torture too. Especially when it's cool to be odd. So my clothes would be stolen all the time! Gotta love being Goth!

  4. Having a sister just older than you is great when you are very young and when you're all grown up. :)
    My sister and I battled a fair amount as teens, mostly over clothes and friends, but just about anything could make for a good argument. Of course now, as you say, we are best friends. It's nice how it works out.
    I'm afraid for my own kids since my little girl said to me this morning, "Mom, the baby isn't going to touch any of my stuff right?" A little scary since I'm not due until May.

  5. Are you going to sell the pattern for that dress? I love it!

  6. That picture (last) is amazing! Talk about posterworthy! Lynne and I have talked quite extensively about how conflict, as children, bonds us as siblings. My brother used to walk me to school everyday pinching the back of my neck. In return, I used to scream "Santa Came!" (all year long) while he was dead asleep. All the way until he was 18 he would run out to the family room in his undies, half asleep, to check what Santa brought.hahahaha good times!

  7. has your husband ever told you about how he used to sucker-punch me in the stomach when we were waiting for the bus in elementary school? he'd tell me that he was doing it so i would learn to always keep my stomach muscles tense and ready for attack. but he was the only one who ever punched me.

    i am in love with that dress, and those pictures!! those girls are so gorgeous, melissa. i wish i was there, closer, to see them day to day. sigh.

  8. I was the oldest of three sisters. I was a model big sister (don't listen to the little whiners! They're lying! :p )

    What a cute little dress, and what classic pics!

  9. Oh que c'est beau ! J'adore cette petite robe, elle est magnifique !!!
    Ces deux petites filles, soeurettes, sont adorables ! My sister is 6 years older et j'ai deux frères aussi...
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  10. I really like that dress.

    Being twins, my sister and I were very competitive when we were younger. Unfortunately she always seemed to be top dog rather than me. We have a home movie of my sister sitting atop a tricycle, with me pushing the handlebars for her, like a servant. A metaphor for our relationship I think!

  11. My sister and I are close in age, but were never close growing up because we are so very different. (She caught the bus to school, I walked. She's a morning person, I'm a night owl. Think of something, we are opposites!)

    We are still very different, but now I appreciate what an amazing person she is. I have 5 daughters and whilst none of them are as far apart as my sister and I were, those who are the closest in age are not the closest! But they all like each other!

  12. I LOVE those photos with the soft colors!

  13. Wow, you made my surfing moment on this saturday afternoon ending with a big smile!

    My sister is 2,5 years younger, when we were 14 and 16 I had a scooter. And let her bike alone to school, trough the woods.. one hour.
    How cruel!
    Now (33 and 35 years old), she's in Brazil for a month and I miss her like crazy..

  14. I loved being the only girl...now I wish I had a sister!!!

    The dress is too cute!!!

  15. oh, the spit! my brother would do that to me. horrific. He also wiped his snot on his toys once or twice so I wouldn't play with them when he had to leave home. Boys are gross (I so enjoy him now. But I still think he's a little gross.)

  16. Please oh please tell about this pattern. Is it in the works? I would make it in different fabrics for all seasons! Love love love it!

  17. Beautiful photos, light, dresses and most of all girls. They are just lovely. I have too many good fights to share all. My little sister usually won, but there was that time that I took a big bite out of her thigh with my teeth!

  18. love the dress and those photos.
    you have a great eye for detail and design.

    i always wanted a sister.
    at least now i have a daughter

  19. I was the big sister.
    I have a distinct memory of elbowing my younger sister, giving her a bloody nose. I will say she kind of deserved it...(she pretended to sneeze and smeared vaseline on my arm) Oh, the things we big sisters put up with!

  20. the initialed dress is perfect. i love the combination of the embroidered texture and the graphic lettering.

  21. Melissa, your daughters are gorgeous. And I love that dress.

  22. I have 4 sisters and moments like that happened a lot. Thankfully not to me because I am the only girl born between the two boys in our family. My older sister once came into the room with scratches all over her arm because she and my oldest sister got into a scratching fight. Ah the good old days. We all get along and love getting together these days.

  23. I love these dresses and I love Hannah's expression! She looks like she's 5 going on 14.

    As far as sister stories I have soo many coming from a family with four girls and one boy! I am surprised Brad turned out so normal Melissa.

    Most of the girl fights in our house were between Ann and I because we were so close in age. I was the taunter and Ann was violent - a great combination let me tell you. My girls love hearing all of our naughty stories!

  24. What pretty, pretty girls, and an adorable dress. Sometimes the pouty expressions are the cutest (although my kids get mad if they catch me smirking when they are upset.)

  25. My sister is a year older than me. We didn't have much money for clothes as teenagers,she was lucky because she landed a job at a clothing store and got great discounts. One day I borrowed a shirt from her without asking (she always said no when I asked)and thought my jacket covered the evidence. I got on the bus before her,as she passed me she threw a note on my lap that read "take off my shirt I don't care if you have to walk around in your bra all day". I still crack up laughing at that note!

  26. oh this is wonderful...i have twin sisters that are 2 and half years younger than me and there were fights galore ;-) these two resemble my two girls...it is a love/"hate" relationship for sure...fun, fun.

  27. darling dress! but what I loved most about this post is the sister aspect. I am the oldest of three girls in a family of 5 kids. We were all so close growing up and still remain so. sure we had our moments growing up but they're great memories now. :) I just spent the weekend with my sister and her husband, it was so much fun! there is truly nothing to beat the sister bond! :) one of our fondest memories growing up was when we'd get into trouble, all three of us and be sent to our room. (we shared the master bed room) rather than feeling remorseful or lay there thinking about whatever naughty thing we'd done we took to passing notes. we'd end up in a fit of giggles and that much closer for whatever argument that got us there in the first place. :) we still laugh about it.

  28. Oh, those pictures made me laugh out loud! Treasures for sure, your girls are going to love those when they are older. I too had sister issues, I was the big sister always being "pestered" by my little sister, poor thing. Now we are the best of friends and she has forgiven me for all my big sister mean-ness.

    Love the dresses!

  29. Funny sisters' stories...My sister is seventeen years younger than I. We don't have much in common. Now I have three girls 8, 6, and 4 years old. I can't wait to hear all their stories when they grow up. I think they are having so much fun with each other.

  30. Ha! I have to admit that I was the big sister of the three girls in our family. As much as my little sister annoyed me, I guess I did my share of things to her like dressing her up in a bunny costume and putting her out in front of our house to attract other kids to our circus in the backyard. She had a way of taking my clothing too. Now we are all best friends and are so alike it's scary! My sisters were my only sanity through my parents' divorce.

  31. i love my sisters! i just moved out of an apartment i shared with two of my four sisters.

    i didn't have a brush. i always shared with my sister.

  32. I too have always wanted a sister!! I have a younger brother who makes me laugh though. I have been blessed with a daughter...so I will be able to share my girly ways with her =)

  33. Oh do I have sister stories. I have 3 sisters, no brothers. Lots of clothes stealing, hiding, sharing... And now I have 2 daughters (and a son who is equally lovely). Fun to see siblings together as a parent.
