
muff lust

One of my biggest little girl desires was to own a muff. My best friend Lisa and I discussed this topic not infrequently. The reason for our fixation was perhaps partially nominal: for I insisted these soft tubular hand warmers were called "mufflers." She of course knew the correct term. No matter. My heart remained fixed in muff lust, never to be assuaged... How many of you were lucky enough to own a muff?


  1. Good grief. This is adorable. I always wanted a muff as a child, too.

    That cape is begging for a pattern, no??? I think yes. I have the perfect vintage tapestry fabric for the coordinating muff(ler). :)

    This is magical.

  2. A Cape was the apple of my eye when I was young, now I have to apples. A cape and a muffler.

  3. Oh I was VERY lucky to have a muff when I was much younger! It was white fur (I guess rabbit fur). My older sister didn't have one and I felt really special. I still have this muff and intend for my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter to use it someday...maybe soon.

  4. I love this cape. Blue and green are great together. The muff is adorable, so fancy!

  5. so cute, I love the cape too and the colors...

  6. As a child, I remember seeing muffs on movies (like White Christmas), thinking they were so pretty...and having no idea what they were really for. Growing up in Southern California, you are deprived of such wonderful practical knowledge. I never had a pair of gloves till I went to college. So, hooray for adorable muffs! If I had lived in the cold I'm pretty sure I would have coveted your version every day at school.

  7. oh, please say that you will be making a pattern for that cape...

  8. Oh my heck, I didn't remember that I always wanted a muff until just now when I saw this! I grew up in California, too, and there was no call for muffs. Ever. But now, as I type, the snow is dumping and dumping from the sky and I. Need. A. Muff. Something Russian/Folkloric looking...

  9. i didn't but i own one now and almost bought another today at a second hand shop.
    i love the blue velvet cape and tapestry muff pictured here. will you be making a pattern?

  10. that picture on the top is so gorgeous, melissa! i adore that muff. we too were big muff talkers - it seems like we used to try and make muffs for our dolls a lot. and for our catalog of squirrel clothes (which were drawings only). although that seems a little sick for a squirrel to need a muff, now that i think about it.

    i agree, that cape def. needs a pattern!

  11. I was lucky, too - I desperately wanted a muff when I was little, and my indulgent grandmother gave both my sister and me muffs one Christmas. I was probably 5. They were white, but I'm not at all sure if they were fake or rabbit fur. I used mine for years - mostly on holidays and Sundays and for play, as muffs are impractical for walking to school.

  12. i lived in chicago as a young girl and had a muff every year. i loved them. i especially remember a white furry one with pink satin lining and a matching shoulder cape. so much fun. i thought of making my daughter one but it is never super cold here. i guess fashion is enough of a reason to make one. must get right on that! your cape is adorable btw.

  13. My sister had the matching girl & doll muff and hat set from Pleasant Company (now American Girl). I can't remember what my Christmas present was that year, but I do know that it was NOT a hat and muff. Sad isn't it?!

  14. Very cute muff. I never had a muff as living in Iowa as a kid it was just to cold to possibly have any skin showing to the rough winds. We always had mittens.

  15. Had one that matched with the fake white fur coat my mother insisted I wear. I would have gladly sent it your way in exchange for some good snowball making mittens!

  16. I had a muff! It was wonderful. :) When I was without it, I tried to make a makeshift one by pulling my long sleeves over the opposite hands and making my sleeves into a single tube basically... not quite as nice as the fur-lined muff!

  17. I couldn't wait for it to get cold, when I was a little girl, so I could use my muff(s), yes plural! I loved them - they matched my coat and hat. The silky linings with fur, the sheen of the braided cord around my neck. I have seen them for adults and would love to have one, today...mmmmmm yes you have inspired me ....let's make muff(ler)s for us girls in big girl bodies.

  18. I had a muff when I was a little girl and I loved it so much. I'm sure I used it in the summer too. Please make a pattern for the cape and muff- like tonight! They are both so adorable.

  19. I had a royal blue plush coat that came with a matching muff. Both were trimmed with white fake fur and the muff and the pockets on the coat had some sort of white embroidery. I felt so fancy! I was 5.

  20. Sadly I didn't have a muff, but just like you, it was one of my biggest childhood wishes (along with a pair of ballet shoes!)

    But what a beautiful one you have made...your wish has come true ;0)

  21. So sweet... I was a muff owner -- a white fluffy one which I remember fondly!

  22. i had a "muffler" as a little girl and loved it!
    it's one of those things that i firmly believe every little girl should have...
    love yours...!

  23. My muff was fierce! I can recallit with clarity! White rabbit fur! swoon! I wish I had it still! Yrs is insanely lovely!

  24. She is so adorable :) Ce petit chaperon est à croquer dans sa jolie petite cape et son magnifique manchon :) It's so cute :) I have never owned a cape or a muff but I would dream to have one... Santa ? Yours is beautiful and the cape too
    Ps - I did put your link in my favorites :)

  25. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! For Cute!", as they say in North Dakota. Wow, that's completely adorable and little girl fantastical! Brava!

  26. I had a white muff, with a red ribbon around the neck, and a piece of (fake) holly on the top, I always wore it to Christmas Eve mass. Ahhh, I had forgotten all about that!

  27. Everyone's outfit should match their wallpaper!

  28. I did have one! I can wait to have a little girl to dress up like this. I already worned my hsband to not be surprised when I dress our kids like elves,

  29. Oh gosh yes, I remember longing for a muff too, this one is so beautiful with the cape.

  30. Oh my gosh I love this!!! I had a muffler when I was five and still remember it with much fondness!!

    Happy Friday!!

  31. One Magical Christmas in the mid 80's I received a white rabbit muff with a matching rabbit head tie (like a four inch wide head band that you tied under your chin to keep your ears warm and your hair cute).

    I regret to say I cannot remember if it was from Great Aunt Bobbie or Aunt Bitta, either way both aunts where pretty stylish.

    We still have it and when my 4yo is a little bigger I will let her wear it to church.

  32. I just learned through this post that they are called muffs (not mufflers). Never had one, would love to, and certainly will get one if I ever have a daughter!

  33. I did have a muff, as a child in Minnesota. Rabbit's fur, mainly white with a little brown. I loved it! I felt cherished. I love your cape, too. I was Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween one year and LOVED my red cape. That little girl in the photo is the cutest EVER.

  34. i can't say i own a muff...but it was cold here yesterday, i could have used one!

    love that cape.....and the photo backdrop. stunning melissa!

  35. When teaching 8th grade vocabulary the word assuage came up and I went in to this tirade about who in this world would use the word. What a great example I have now!

    I am in Southern California, and we are going to the pool today... no muffs here.

  36. I dreamed of one too, but I thought they were extinct. I didn't think of a muffler again until I saw a pattern for one in Denyse Schmidts book--and made it immediately.

  37. I dont recall having a muffler but I sure would have loved one!!! You have inspired me to make my two girls one and even more so as it has just started to snow!!!

  38. I did. It was white fleece and I must have been around 4 yrs. old. Man, I wouldn't have remembered that particular memory if it weren't for this post.

    I do believe I shall make one for my daughter. What a fabulous Christmas gift idea!

    Love your blog, by the way.

  39. Oh, I like this! Good for caroling! So very timely.

  40. Yes, I had a muff! It was white faux fur and I loved it. I fancied myself quite elegant when I used it. The ones in the photo are gorgeous as is the cape.

  41. Your photos are gorgeous. The colors are absolutely perfect. I wish I were little again so that I could have one of the capes and muffs for myself.

    I think I had a muff, but it might just be that I wanted one so badly that now looking back I think I actually had one.

  42. I did have a muff, or "muhvi" as it´s called here(Finland). (At least i think it´s called that way, or then i´ve translated "mufflers")

    It was brown, crocheted thing with fur lining. I loved it soooo much.

    Haa, and guess what my two youngest girls are getting for soon to come birthdays! Thank you for reminding me for muhvi/mufflers greatness!

  43. Oh, goodness! This is about the cutest ensemble I've ever seen. I'm hoping you'll be putting out a pattern for the cape and muffler...? Please? :)

  44. Oh my goodness! You just kicked me down memory lane - for I had completely forgot about my very fabulous cream coloured furry muff with a little barbie-like doll attached to the front of it.

  45. Oh a muff! My daughters would love a muff!

  46. I always wanted one too! And that cape!! I wanted a red one. Maybe now I could? hmmm. That's the great thing about NYC-- you can wear anything and fit in. Here in Lancaster they might wonder about me! ;)

  47. Why are these not mass produced? I would buy one and do not have a little girl.


    And I had no muff, nor did I even know what one was.

  48. How unbelievably cute! Nope I never had a muff, nor did I have a cape. But now I make my own :0D

  49. matchstickgirl wants a cape and muff toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! in black !!!! hehehehheh

    wicked witchy laugh...

  50. Please, oh please, make a cape pattern for us! Won't you???

  51. I had a white fur muff which I received for Christmas one year. I remember my Grandpa had to put his hands in it first to prove to me that it wouldn't bite--my muff had eyes and it scared me.

  52. I so wanted a muff! I had a fantastic cape which my grandmother made for me, but the muff never happened. I have just been planning one for my 4 year old daughter, as part of her theatre outfit for when we take her to see the Nutcracker. Now I am really inspired to do it!

  53. Muff Lust sounds dirty...

  54. are you people sick????

  55. Nice to be here and see your post!
