
grey servant dress, round neck with french trim

Yesterday I sewed for the first time in months. I think I was massively burned out.

I'm so happy Melissa finally shared her seven-month secret! Melissa, you remind me of a Vermeer woman, gracefully and calmly keeping your own quiet counsel. I wish I was more like that.

I loved reading the comments from the last post - especially the one from miss anonymous, who said "grounded children grow up to be grounded adults, who are able to do much to help this hurting world."

Here's to a much slower 2009.


Karen said...

love the dress!

Anonymous said...

I think you got it right--slower and more intentional is BETTER. We are all too rushed.

Here's to stopping and smelling the roses!

And bonus--that dress is fab!

Janna Widdifield said...

Such a darling dress!

natasha said...

That dress is wonderful, if only I had one in my size... somehow I think it would look better on her though, ha.

glamspoon said...

I was seduced by the "slow" movement this year too. Why don't we all slow down and smell the roses? What's the rush?

liz said...

love the dress. we stopped by earlier - it looks darling on her.

Cheryl said...

love the dress, but i especially love the model!! little miss A is truely a doll!

Lisa said...

Adorable with a capital A!

Anonymous said...

Lynne, your follow up in response to my comment on grounded children was just the push I've been waiting for. I am a techno dinosaur, but you have given me the courage to start a blog. It may take me a bit to get it together, but I think it's all part of finding my voice. I am filled with gratitude, Lynne. KarenLR

melissa said...

What a sweet little baby in her little French-collared dress.

Unknown said...

Karen, you'll have to let us know when you get your blog up and running! I'd love to read more.

Leslie said...

Love that trim.

Two Mittens said...

I just love the simplicity and the beautiful details.

Sabina said...


Bethany said...

I love that you did the photos in black and white too! Lovely dress, lovely curls!! And you're absolutely right! I didn't say "Congratulations" to Melissa because i thought maybe I missed something earlier and would look silly only now saying it! Please give her my well wishes... I'm always SO excited for new babies!!! (I'm secretly very jealous!!!). Much love to you both!!

Elisa said...

I LOVE this dress! Now you have to create an amazingly cool creation for those of us that have boys...maybe cute little french trousers with piping down the side? A boy equivalent to the wanderings coat?

Paige said...

What a lovely little dress! And yes, here's to saying "Slow down!" a little more this year!

Rubyellen said...

how she kept that secret is beyond me. i couldn't do it. i wish i could!

oh i have that trim. i should make that dress!!! i love the sweetness of it all!!!


Joslyn said...

the dress is perfection as always...you know it's funny on the last post i was wondering if i missed that melissa was pregnant from a previous post. such a nice "secret"!

*emilie* said...

very pretty dress !
oh and here here for a slower 2009 !

Unknown said...

♥ the dress.
♥ that kid.

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