
slow living

My new mantra for the new year is "slow living."  More reading, less t.v.; more doodling and sketching, less Internet trances; more quiet sewing, hand stitching, knitting, less frenetic errand-running; more nature hikes, less Walmart and Target; more speaking French with my kids, less PBS kids. Perhaps my mantra is a bit of a chimera, given my three, almost four kids.  Or maybe I'm just feeling really fat and slug-like in my seventh month of pregnancy.  But I think this year I want to say the word: "hurry" less often.  And truly enjoy my kids even more.  


  1. I'm so right there with you. My list of resolutions included more "restful" hand crafting like embroidery and "to fully enjoy moments" with my two children. Slowing down is a theme for our house too.

  2. What a beautiful idea.
    Though I'm not sure I can cut down on the Target trips. There has to be an excuse to get out of the house for a diet coke.
    Hmmm....maybe that should be on my slow down list too: no more diet coke.

  3. Love your list, I feel more relaxed just reading it. Much the same has been on my mind and I am enjoying reading this talk over and over as a reminder.


    I don't know if that link will work, it's Thomas S. Monson's talk Finding Joy in the Journey.

  4. M- I love this picture.

    And I am sure you are the most svelte 7 month pregnant lady ever!!

  5. the fourth child slowed my pace of living and how i viewed it also. it is so much nicer enjoying them instead of rushing them off somewhere. we are quite the homebody's, and loving it.

  6. congratulations melissa on your pregnancy and your slow living mantra. i try to remind myself to slow down but am always feeling so excitable. knitting really can be wonderful for this.
    happy new year

  7. You're pregnant?!? Congratulations! (How did I miss such important information? I never miss a post.)

  8. I love those post. My theme for this year is "live"...for basically the same reasons. I want to stop and appreciate the little moments that too often go unnoticed and not just passively live my life. I've got 3 weeks to go until the due date of my next baby, so I hear ya on slow living!

  9. I agree with you... Simple living, less complicated is what I want for my family this year. My one little word for the year was "be", which I think encompasses the whole simple life thing! :)

  10. Dearest kindred spirits, I'm 52 and am almost an empty nester after raising four wonderful kids. One of the very best things you can do for your kids is to be in the moment with them...reading, hiking, sewing, drawing,cooking,singing...you get the idea. Grounded kids grow up to be grounded adults, who are able to do much to help this hurting world. (And I love your blog!) Remember, young Moms, to breathe. KarenLR

  11. great post.... a lesson for us all!!!

  12. Congratulations on your pregnancy, Melissa! I think you resolutions sounds wonderful! Happy New Year!!

  13. wait. did i miss the pregnancy post somewhere? congratulations!!! children are such a blessing and i think "slow living" will allow you to enjoy more. much love to you and your wonderful family!!!

  14. Thank-you for admitting that you do watch tv / go into internet trances etc etc and that every moment with your children is not what we may want it to be. Sometimes all the blogging Mums make me feel very inadequate.

  15. I love this concept -- although I do not think I will be ready for my baby if I don't find some way to speed up *some* before she gets here. And I don't know how I'll get the shoes to replace the outgrown ones for my 2nd and 4th kids without the trips to Target or internet searches. But I AM trying to relish the ordinary quiet family times, and keep the TV off a little more. It's hard, but satisfying when I manage it.

  16. I didn't know that you were expecting. Congratulations! And I second the idea of slow living. We love the hang-out. I think our best times are just hanging out, pretending all the dining room chairs are a train and generally making a mess. Good times.

  17. Melissa, how wonderful! I have completely missed that news until now. I wish you all the best and I am sure you look stunning.

    And yes, taking things slower is a good idea - a grand idea in fact...


  18. We have almost identical resolutions! Enjoy your slow time in 2009!!

  19. Congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting. I love your resolutions, and hope to incorporate some of those myself.

  20. that is beautiful. i am right there with you on all of those things!!!!

  21. I have been thinking a lot about this while making my goals for the new year.. more time barefoot and outside, more time playing and exploring, more time spent together. (Congratulations on baby #4!)

  22. Thanks for putting my New Year's Resolution into words! I couldn't agree more.


  23. My thoughts exactly. And I've got 4 as well. We can only try, my friend, we can just keep trying! Happy new year!

  24. Congratulations on your pregnancy and I wish you a relaxed and sereen 2009! It will be a wonderful and exiting spring for you and your family, what an event to look forward to!

  25. i love this mantra melissa. i'm right there with you. hooray for slow living!

  26. Agreed and amen! And best wishes to new baby. I can't wait to see what creation he/she inspires!

  27. I am totally with you on that! Slowness is one of my goals for 2009! I hope you're feeling well and I SO appreciate all the inspiration both you and Lynne share... I want to slow down and enjoy it more!

  28. oh congratulations, melissa! here's to the new year of slow living and to that growing baby!

  29. I have GOT to slow down. My youngest will be two in April. That's my baby. Two. Where did that time go? My next will be three on Friday. My oldest is almost 11. If I don't slow down, if I don't start paying attention, I will miss it all. Almost daily I read blogs where new babies are arriving. I have never had that "I'm done" feeling about having babies. Maybe if I ask my hubby very, very nicely...
    anyway, I am off track...it would be good to slow down....

  30. i love that idea. i too have been trying not to hurry the kids to the car each morning.

    congrats on the pregnancy. i just posted a tutorial for a nursing cover if you're needing one:


  31. Congratulations Melissa! I thought I had just missed the news too until I read Lynne's post! What an awesome time you will have :)

    And since I'm pregnant with my #3, I demand to see any maternity/baby inspired creations if there are any... ;)

  32. huge congratulations xx

  33. Congratulations what great news!!

  34. I love that photo. Congrats on th enew baby!

  35. I love that! You are so right... it's a good year to live 'slowly'. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Keep us posted! Hope you are feeling well.

  36. Aaah... je découvre ! Félicitations !!! Comment ai-je pu manquer ce post !
    La petite demoiselle de droite tient une livre que j'adore...
    Have a wonderful weekend :) Hugs
    By the way... I did add the link of your shop in my favorites !

  37. Amen to that! My new year thoughts exactly. Bless you and baby # 4.

  38. this is fantastic. right on.
