
a story about my new hobby

I just completed my first knitting project that is not an ill-shaped, hole-ridden rectangle. Instead it's an ill-shaped, hole-ridden baby sweater, made from the Baby Surprise pattern by Elizabeth Zimmerman that I read about over on the Purl Bee. Mine does not quite look like Whit's or the picture on my DVD cover (I had to order the dvd that goes with the pattern - I am too much of a visual learner to have ever figured out anything beyond the basic garter stitch without seeing someone actually do it. Over and over and over. My poor family). I have no idea what happened to the collar on mine, or the three inches on either side of the front where there are supposed to be buttons and button-holes. But who cares!! I'm just excited that me and my sore knitting fingers (see below)

(OK, so you can't actually tell from this picture how sore they are. But at one point I really did get a knitting needle blister) actually finished. And dang it, I'm starting a new one tonight. New babies I know, watch out.


  1. I just finished by first knitting project as well! (the Purl Beret from Purl Bee)

    I am not brave enought to attempt a sweater yet. What kind of yard did you use?

  2. Stick with it, eventually you will develop some knitting calluses :)
    I was working on a sweater on size 0 needles once, and I actually punctured my thumb. I gave up the project once it drew blood...
    Lovely sweater!

  3. drew blood?!! jess, you are one hard-core knitter!

    I'm not sure what kind the yarn was - since it's my first, i just picked up a couple of inexpensive skeins of grey at michaels. but i have some linen yarn from purl that i'm excited to use... maybe on sweater #3? :)

  4. Hi Lynne

    A goldie but an oldie, the BSJ (baby surprise jacket). And I love that's it all i garter. I'm about to make another one too! I'm also very much a visual knitter, sometimes all this knitting lingo is so foreign to me... but I love it! Try www.knittinghelp.com. They have short videos of techniques that I found extremely useful. Have fun! Lucky babies.... x

  5. Totally agree with 'Lingers'! I learned to knit off of knittinghelp.com
    I'm a visual learner as well and it was exactly what my confused mind needed!

  6. Oh, I love the BSJ! You should try an Elizabeth Zimmermann Tomten, too. :)

    Here's one of mine from what seems like ages ago (the second little one is wearing it now): http://www.flickr.com/photos/mama_k/253411247/

  7. The wonderful thing about your yarn colour choice is that we can't see any of the reputed mistakes/holes! So I think it looks great!

  8. It does hurt your fingers learning to knit. ouch! cute sweater though. you're more ambitious than me, starting with a sweater. I did see a hat I want to try. I just need to get past the all thumbs stage on the purl stitch first.
    barbara brown

  9. Well done! It looks beautiful. And it's so satisfying to master a knitting pattern. I'm going to start the BSJ soon too, so yours is a lovely inspiration.

  10. Congrats! Knitting is so therapeutic, maybe not for your poor fingers put for you mind!

  11. Oh my goodness, I cannot stop laughing Lynne! Bless your poor finger; the sweater was worth the blister!

  12. What baby would not want to be snuggled up in this sweet sweater, "holes" and all? I agree with Mandi, knitting soothes the brain and the soul. And knitting does get easier as you go along...

  13. Wow, it really looks different than Sunday night. It looks great to me!
    Even though you don't think it is perfect, your creativity is infectious!

  14. Uh oh. I am 11 rows into making one of these as a gift. I was surprised how well it seemed to be going but now I am full of trepidation again. You are so... GOOD at things! I don't think I stand a chance.

  15. So excited for you! I have a sweater that I have wanted to knit all winter, but have felt to intimidated. You give me courage.

  16. dropstitch, i am definitely NOT good at things! i am sure yours will come together beautifully!

  17. I am just starting on this new hobby. Watching YouTube and trying to cast on at the moment...

  18. Can't wait to see what creative things flow from your needles... soon you'll be on ravelry selling patterns there too ;)
    happy knitting!

  19. I, too, am a relatively new knitter who is normally a sewer! Welcome to the fray. You will soon be addicted to cashmere and alpaca, I promise.

  20. this is adorable. i love babies in sweaters. now i may have to pull out the yarn and needles and try something more than a scarf. . . after the blisters currently on my hands heal up. . . have you tried swinging on monkey bars lately? brutal.

  21. bravo with the first project! I think kids clothes are by far the most rewarding thing to knit. Its so much faster and cheaper than adult clothes (and usually more attractive).
    nice work.

  22. Good for you!!!! You're not a quitter girl! And yes... I totally can sympathize with the sore fingers. And the odd holes etc. But i have high hopes for both of us!!!
