
baby surprise jacket, second try

Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket is a little better on my second try. Except the buttonholes - and that I didn't check the gauge and therefore what started as a sweet infant sweater fits my two year old. More on that after Melissa receives Margot's present...


  1. LOL! I have been having guage problems lately too. The jacket looks lovely on your daughter!

  2. I always think the idea of checking gauge sounds so tedious that so far I only do edgings (in crochet -- I don't know how to knit. Yet.) But your sweater makes a good case for taking the time to check.

    It's beautiful, and will give baby Margot something nice to grow into.

  3. How lovely! I love the BSJ. It really is a surprise at the end!
    There is a snowsuit variation that is a ton of fun and perfect for new babes.

  4. A SNOWSUIT BSJ!!!! I need to find that, for sure!!!

  5. well, now you know how to make the jacket in multiple sizes (giggle).

    I know you both like lovely homes...my cousin, Sarah Ridgley, and her house are featued on DS right now...I think you would like her eye for design~

  6. but it's so great!!! I think it was just meant to be!

  7. so cute! love the flip flops, they really make the outfit.

  8. oh it's lovely and i love her in your (?) flip flops!

  9. This scares me! I am just starting on a little infant matinee jacket for the first time and just the words "buttonholes" and "gauge" have me quaking! Yours looks super!

  10. Yeah, I think it looks fantastic! You should be glad that your gauge mistake gave A. a new sweater!

  11. So sweet, and looks so soft. I want one...

  12. Oh man, I still haven't even finished my first one! This one looks cute. I'd better hope mine ends up big too - at this rater my new niece will be a toddler by the time it's finished.

  13. The flip flops look really comfortable. Very cute.

  14. Oh, that is stunning. I think you started this one at the same time as I started a cardigan for my 2 year old and I'm not even a quarter of the way done. Impressive stitching.

  15. This is sweet -- and I love the pale blue. I also love that you're knitting and sharing it. My last baby cardigan had snaps sewn on...avoided that pesky buttonhole problem altogether! Then I sewed a large chunky button on the front - it was pretty cute, I have to admit! :)

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