
some randomness

Imagine the unfortunate results that can occur from stepping on a rusty bit of metal: a rather severe case of lockjaw. Yesterday we found an old 2 by 4 in our garage. We thought it would make a great growth chart to attach to our wall. (My sister-in-law Katie made one a while back. You simply paint a long board in a pretty color, then attach it vertically to your wall. As your child grows you mark his/her height on the board. Then if you ever decide to change houses, you can take the board and all the wonderful bits of children-growing memories with you.) Unfortunately, as we were prepping our 2 by 4, my son scratched his foot on a rusty nail. Lucky for us his tetanus shot was up to date...


  1. I hope your boy is ok!
    Every time I scratch myself on a nail I am reminded of the episode of Little House on the Prairie when Caroline gets tetanus poisoning and she's all alone at the house, and things look dire, but, thankfully the doctor fixes her up right.

    I can't remember the doctor's name. hm must be getting old...

  2. My microbiology instructor used this painting as a teaching tool... I guess it does make a statement! Glad your son is okay -OUCH!

    Susannah @ art nest

    PS: The Quarterly arrivied in the post on my birthday - it was a lovely addition to the day!

  3. ...and hopefully he was also wearing pants. :-)

  4. We use a piece of plain white molding for our growth chart.. They are nice and thin (about 1/2" thick) and come in long pieces, already painted white and easily found at Home Depot, etc. for a few bucks.

    (I still remember moving away from the house where I grew up and crying because we were leaving our growth chart, which we had just written on the side of a door frame and couldn't take with us!)

  5. Ouch! Poor little guy!!

    Is that Goya? What an awesome painting!!

  6. i am so happy to know i am not the only one with the occasional death traps scattered about. we had two, yes two, nail in foot instances just last week. I figure it will teach the all important lesson of look where you are going.

  7. oooooh... not fun! But your board idea is wonderful... we moved so much and had to leave all those markings. I wish I'd known this. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your quarterly!!! You two are SO creative!!!

  8. You will love the growth chart.

    Here is one I made a couple of years ago. Painting is a better idea than the decoupage because the paper started to bubble after a few years. Maybe I'll make a new one and just "transfer" the dates and heights.
    Here's the link

    My brother also made one where he just stained a huge board and then used a wood burning tool for the foot marks. What made it really cool was he added the heights of famous people like Napoleon, Lincoln, and others.

    I can't wait to see what you come up with

  9. poor adam. that's an interesting picture:)
