
baby announcements

The baby finally took a rare good nap on Friday afternoon - not while being held by me - and I had a chance to print out her baby announcements with my gocco machine (the most favorite craft thing I have ever purchased. Thank you e-bay).

I do realize that at some point I will need to address this baby-sleeping business. Wren is so cute and little that I never seem put her down, day or night, but now I kind of am realizing that there are some things that actually need to get done around the house during the day that require more than one free arm. You'd think I'd be more of a pro at figuring this out by now with my fourth baby! Nope, not so much.


  1. Read a book called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It was the best thing I did. Gorgeous announcements, by the way.

  2. Love gocco! I found that babies have their own ideas about sleep. Doesn't really make much difference what you do or think.

  3. The invitations are sweet. I could never put my babies down either. They just go through that stage too quickly not to just cuddle them all you can!

    On another subject, I've been wondering if it is possible to get ahold of the servant frock pattern. I've been wanting the pattern for months and was wondering if it would be available again sometime?

  4. Sounds like you might benefit from a baby sling and Dr. Sears books on baby's and sleep.

  5. Hi Jenny! Re: the servant pattern - I've been meaning to add instructions for more variations, but just haven't found the time for it yet. One of these days I will make a newly-updated pattern and get it copied! Hopefully in the next month. :)

  6. beautiful announcements - really, love them! And as far as getting babies to sleep I have no answers. It seems like age is the only thing that makes it better here but I'm (secretly) hoping #3 will sleep a bit better.

  7. My 3rd is the same way and I'm loving it. He'll grow up soon enough and not want to snuggle his mama anymore. My mother had an embroidered picture that said "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep." I don't know who it's by, but I love that saying.

  8. Kerith- i got that little poem in a card once and felt so reassured!

    Lynne- you're gonna make it after all! the announcements are really pretty, and so are those flowers.

  9. Beautiful Lynne.. sweet and simple, just like a brand new baby.

  10. My baby #4 spent a lot of time napping in a snuggly. I even chaired an annual meeting at church with her snoozing soundly there. Best of luck with little Wren (I LOVE her name!).

  11. Oh they are so lovely and I don't blame you for not wanting to put her down, she will learn to sleep eventually, time goes so quickly, enjoy the moment.

  12. I can't wait to receive her sweet announcement in the mail. You never cease to amaze me with all your beautiful creations.

  13. Lovely announcements- no gocco here, so I will craft vicariously.

    I think with each successive baby I've relaxed more about sleep. With my first (Wren, in fact) I was nervous about instilling good habits. But later you realize how that tiny baby time just flies by, and you want to hold them as long as they want to be held.

    I'm working on number three now, and I have a feeling our first months will look a bit like yours.

  14. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful little one! Your birth announcements look fantastic!!
    :) Martine

  15. We received your announcement and I have to say they are adorable. I especially enjoyed Wren's adorable little pic. I could see you in her eyes.

  16. I read a book called Baby Wise. I did it with both of my girls. They took three naps a day and slept all night. It was great! Super cute announcements!!

  17. Lynne, just enjoy that baby. :) With our first we worked hard at sleep-learning early (he was a very hands on new born), but are just getting around to it with #2. You get amazing things done. Trust me. and what in the world is a Gocco machine, because the results are beautiful (the machine and your talents combined) and I am intrigued! -Jennie H.

  18. those are beyond lovely...and i did the same thing with millie. i couldn't put her down ;-)

  19. i couldn't put any of my three down. they are so soft, and snuggly and perfect. people told me i was mad but i didn't care. the best parenting advice i ever got is to do what you feel is right and don't worry about what anyone else says or does.
    enjoy every blissful moment :)

  20. Ce faire-part est magnifique !!! J'aime beaucoup beaucoup ♥

  21. Loved receiving your little announcement...cute attention to detail!

  22. I had to take a closer look at the birth announcements, as they are so very beautiful, and noticed your daughter's birthday is the same as my son's. Since he was born I have met a ridiculous amount of people born on 2/2- enjoy that Groundhog's day baby!

  23. Those are absolutely GORGEOUS announcements!

  24. Thanks for the announcement! It was gorgeous and remains on our frigde. She is simply adorable.

  25. Sounds like you might benefit from a baby sling and Dr. Sears books on baby's and sleep.
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  26. Using a fabric carrier to hold my baby has been a life saver for me! I hate setting tiny babies down, but especially when you have more kids, there are other jobs to do! I have five children, and can't imagine what I'd do without babywearing! The baby can sleep on me while I get other jobs done. A great resource is www.thebabywearer.com. Beautiful birth announcements!

  27. We loved the announcement. She is soo beautiful:)

  28. Lucia is my mother's name so we named our daughter Lucianna (a.k.a Luca). Still trying to get Vincenzo to sleep (9 mo's old). Love your blog and patterns.

  29. We're expecting #4 any minute, and I totally feel you on this one: am wondering how I'll get done all the things I currently get done, since I know already I want to play with her all the time! Good to see someone else living my dream and still finding time to create beautiful things...

  30. My goodness, they are sooooo pretty! Looks like a good buy indeed. I'd never heard of this machine before, but will keep it in mind for the future.

  31. i just popped over after a long time away from this blog. congratulations on your baby! i love her name, lovely. hope you are doing well.

  32. These are so great! Love the sweet little vine/flower design.
