

Finally getting our simple little nursery put together was a collective effort. The six year old loves taping things to doors (currently on her bedroom door she has affixed a cover of Sports Illustrated from the Olympics, a couple of school projects, and a big list of who can and cannot come into her room to play) so it was only fitting that I would find this on the door to the baby's room a couple of weeks ago. Eath is a great place, Wren!

Melissa sent this dress and I think her embroidered "W" is so sweet.

It took me awhile to figure out what to put on the wall above the crib. We live in California - not really in an area prone to earthquakes, but my new-mother hormones keep me up at night worrying about random dangerous risks around the house so in the end I just used japanese masking tape to hang a bunch of old prints I found on etsy (I bought the whole lot of them for under $10).

The big kids love this page. Can you guess why?

I especially like this one. Angling bunnies? What's not to love about that?

Sister dolls made by Aunt Courtney from great Black Apple pattern. Adorable.

I found the Flensted viking ship mobile on ebay. Flensted is a really neat Danish company - their designs are magical. And can you see the picture the six year old painted of me on the wall? I love it. Especially that I'm not shown scolding her in it. Ha, ha. Just kidding. I never scold my children!

(I can't resist posting another picture of the baby, wearing the cutest little hat that my friend Jen made - check out her shop. So cute.)


  1. How simple sweet. Not overdone. I love the thoughtfulness and attention to detail. What a lucky little girl.

    BTW.. I ordered a mobile like that from the giveaway I won! Trying to decide what to hang on it?? I love the boats!

  2. What a sweetheart. Lovely all in all. If you don't mind sharing what color is that on the walls?

  3. Growfamilygrow - thank you! The color is Ralph Lauren via Home Depot's Dover Cliffs. It's hard to see in the pictures, but it's an off-whitish-grey with just a little hint of purple.

    Joy - that's awesome!


  4. What a dreamy perfect nursery. I'm so happy to get a glimpse of it. I love the purples and greens. All the little details are enchanting. Especially the improptu art taped on the wall.

    Another beautiful nursery Lynne!

  5. Very personal and lovely, I love all the little details. I am especially coveting that mobile, it is fantastic.

  6. this is beautiful. such a sweet baby picture. wow.

  7. I really love your nursery, Lynne. The mini clothes are so cute! And do your kids like that particular page on the wall because it says 'toilet' on the bottom? He hee. That's what would make my kids giggle...:)

  8. So sweet and simple! You've given me the push I needed to get the 80's wallpaper out of my nursery. Did you make the quilt on the crib?

  9. I LOVE this nursery....oh my goodness! So many yummy details! Can I ask you what paint color is on the walls? I am in love...and in search of the 'perfect' grey. LOVELY!

  10. What an adorable nursery. She is coming into such a loving home.

    Where did you find those adorable prints?

  11. That is one magical room. I'm sure little Wren will be happy she came to "Eath".

  12. Love the nursery and all the sweet details. So many delights to provide scope for the imagination -- yours, hers, theirs. :-)
    Thanks for sharing, Lynne.

  13. hi sarah jane! thanks! the color is "Dover Cliffs", it's a Ralph Lauren/Home Depot color, in their whites section.

    Have fun settling in to your new home!! I'm sure it will be so lovely!

  14. am absolutely loving your unique take on a nursery. those prints hanging with japanese tape is my absolute favorite. seriously beautiful. am hankering for a baby girl. xo.

  15. darling, clean and stimulating at the same time. well done!

  16. This room is perfect and I love the idea of the pages as decoration!!

  17. Wow. i am so excited for you. i know the feeling od having a baby because after 2 years my sister is also having a baby and i'm becoming an aunt. that's good news for me.

  18. ahhh! Thanks for the paint color! I am So into Grey right now...I am loving a few shades, and haven't seen this one yet. Thanks!!! SO IN LOVE!

  19. my six year old also likes taping things all over the place.....half our weekly wages go on sticky tape :)

  20. What a lovely place for a baby to live. You did such a great job.

  21. Yes Welcome Sweet Wren! {Love her name} Very peaceful.

    My son loves to adorn his door with stuff too...star wars poster, half finished fish drawing,...a sign that says No babies allowed! (though babies is spelled bubies and I laugh every time I see it)

  22. Oh my!!! Too adorable! By the way I LOVE you ship mobile! I just made a post about mobiles on my blog. Yours is better by far!

  23. Really nice blog, I am impressed with your preparation with for your kid.

  24. Well good to see such a nice nursery, i pray that you have a wonderful life with your kid.

  25. really nice concept....such a wonderful place to be...:)

  26. Melissa is no longer publishing/selling her patterns, nor does she have plans to publish them

  27. I must say, that place must be good be in. Your photographs really made me want to be in there.

  28. I wish I could be that baby and was lying on that soft bed! It was just a joke. You worked really well.

  29. Suger city journal is really very impressive.fortunately it effects a lot.

  30. The suger city contains a full of information.This is pretty informative too.

  31. I could be that baby and was lying on that soft bed! It was just a joke.

  32. The six year old loves taping things to doors currently on her bedroom door she has affixed a cover of Sports Illustrated from the Olympics, a couple of school projects...

  33. This blog is kind of like our field journal; the place where we meet between England & California.

  34. This blog is kind of like our field journal; the place where we meet between England & California.

  35. I know many nurses and i can say that all of them are very nice people. I hope that my future daughter will become a nurse to :D

  36. Its a really cool nurse you described in your article but in reality i dont think that the things are as good as this...

  37. This contrast is little bit different I guess.This is tricky.

  38. Doing nursery is a best hobby while it gives some earning too.This is really an appreciable work.
