
...not dead!

photos by Monika Elena

Hello, friends! It's been awhile since I posted here... my older sister suggested that I update our blog as she sometimes worries that blog writers have died when they don't post for a long, long time. So, in case I don't know you in person and that question has crossed your mind (oh, so sweet of you!) happily both Melissa and I are still alive and happy - just kind of crazy busy. Melissa and her family have made a really, really, really big move - more on that later - and my little sister Ann is getting married, so we've all been helping her plan her wedding, which has been so very much fun. I love my mother and sisters. (Aren't Ann and her fiance so adorable? Sigh. Love is in the air.) ...

more soon...


  1. I'm glad you're not dead (I knew you weren't). I've missed all your terrific ideas and inspiration.

  2. It's so good to see your posts again.

  3. Yeah! So nice to hear from you. Did M got to Japan? I believe she mentioned it was a possibility long ago.
    Well, I finished my Sugar City Loom last week and I love it. Thanks again for the beautiful project.

  4. I was going through SCJ inspiration withdrawl! I always find your take on life so refreshing and careful. I've missed you, but am glad that your lives sound busy with joyful things!

  5. I'll look forward to more posts! And more baby pictures please?

  6. I've missed you, but then I think I was gone longer! Sending a hug to both of you and I hope Melissa and her family are doing well!! I have a little sister Anne too! ;)

  7. Whew! What a relief!! As one of your lurking readers, I was feeling a little concerned... lol!

  8. Ack- so glad I am not the ONLY one who thinks bloggers have died when they don't post for awhile! Why does my mind go there? Can't wait to hear all the fun updates!

  9. So glad you are back!!!! Thank you for NOT giving up blogging!

  10. So much to look forward to! Good to know you you are alright! See you here soon.

  11. Contente de vous lire :-) Bises à vous et à Mélissa !

  12. I heard Ann was engaged! So exciting. She is the cutest person on earth. I can imagine the wedding you guys are planning is going to be wonderful!

  13. Can't wait to see more updates:)

  14. yay! so happy to have a post...can't wait for more ;-)

  15. What a small world! Ann is your little sister? What a small world! Lauren was my roommate in college! And I am a Potomac MD girl... Connections Connections....
