
new beginning

Yes it's true. I've moved. Quite a distance from where we lived before. Though, I prefer discretion as there are too many creepy blog stalkers. This is one of the reasons I've stopped blogging. The other is my darned c-section that refuses to heal. The other is my growing family that needs me more and more. But I'm still finding lots of fun activities to fill up any spare seconds of free time like reading, cooking, organizing my new house, and enjoying my little ones who are growing up way too fast.

And sorry, no more patterns; I'm not going to reprint them...


  1. The house looks lovely and full of light. I like how you used carpets on top of rugs. We're going to be moving soon, most likely someplace with carpets, and I may try that.

  2. I'm sorry that blogging has brought creepies into your life.
    Best wishes for health and happiness.
    I hope you'll still come and visit us once in a while.

  3. The house looks beautiful. Sorry to hear about the c-section, I can't imagine not getting that to heal. And yucky to the creepy blog people. Shame on them. Have fun with your little and big ones.

  4. I understand your feelings about the blogging. The unknown is a deterrent for me starting a blog. But I have really enjoyed your sewing and decorating since I started reading your blog a couple of years ago. Thank you for sharing and best wishes too!

  5. It is really too bad that some people can ruin the fun. I hope you will continue to share your talent with the rest of us and give us that inspire we need to keep creating.

    Sorry about the c-section taking time to heal. Having had four, I know exactly what you are going through. I was anemic for 6 months with one of them, and that was hard. Take lots of iron. I kept on taking the prenatal vitamin. Yuck! I can taste the iron just talking about it. But it helps.

  6. Hope I don't qualify as a blog stalker...but just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed reading your blog, the zine and sewing the patterns. Best wishes in all future endeavours...and go enjoy those little ones!

  7. new beginnings are good.


  8. Your new home looks beautiful! I'm very sorry to hear I'll never be able to get the village dress pattern! It's been sold out since I first saw it.
    But never mind me. You just enjoy your life and new home ;-)

  9. Wow, sorry to hear you've had a sour experience with anonymous weirdos. Scary. I'll really miss your blog and unique style. Best wishes!

  10. I've never commented before (gosh that qualifies me as a stalker, but I'm not creepy, well, I don't think I am ;) ) and just want to say how much I've enjoyed seeing the little Sugar City Journal link on my google reader light up when you've posted something. I always know it's going to be something lovely to brighten my day. Good luck with your new endeavours and I hope that c-section heals speedily from now on.
    Many thanks!

  11. Can't wait to see more pictures. You are such a great mom (and sister-in-law)!

  12. I love your blog (but you don't know me- I hope I don't qualify as a creeper! I found you very very long ago, via NieNie pre-crash, and recently re-discovered you in my bookmarks!)!
    Good luck with any blog stalkers- I hope they haven't totally ruined the fun.
    In any case, your house looks lovely, no matter where it is (and I want that beautiful rug!!).
    I hope all is better soon :)

  13. Congratulations on the move. I haven't visited in a while but I just came across your quarterly mag on my shelf (I think its about a year old). That got me on line to buy a pattern of yours that I've been interested it, and alas it's not being printed any more.

    I'm very sorry to hear about the creepiness, but know a mom in Toronto likes to visit (when she should be asleep) and has found great inspiration in your work. So thank you for putting your self out there. Take care of your self and your family.


  14. Hello there Melissa,

    welcome back! What a lovely new home.

    Just to let you know we had a gorgeous baby boy in May - Louis Franz. He is perfect.


  15. i hate that people act creepy and ruin it for everybody. the same thing happened with the katy did blog, and it makes me super sad. what is wrong with people?

    happy healing and hope your home is warm and lovely.
