

(photo, Laura Condouris)

One thing that has been super fun about helping out with my little sister's wedding... discovering the world of calligraphy. Oh my. What a world of prettiness out there! A couple of favorites are Laura Condouris (trial by cupcakes is her etsy shop), and the lovely Anna Bond of Rifle Paper Co.

(Photo, Anna Bond)

I've been practicing pen strokes for my very amateur effort. There is something so old-fashioned and satisfying about sitting down with a little jar of ink and a calligraphy pen. I would love to really learn how to do this properly.


melissa said...

Oh I agree. I feel like developing handwriting is a lost art. Every New Year's improving my handwriting is my resolution. My husband always laughs at me saying it's not necessary in today's world. I still value it though. I'm glad you do too dear sister-in-law Lynne! Though your handwriting is already so pretty; there's not much room for improvement.

Carolyn said...

My dad's performing the ceremony, fun to see what other plans are in the works! I love love the first envelope with the big caligraphy! Hope you aren't addressing too many!

Jenny said...

It is a wonderful art, and lost indeed except to a diligent few! I learned somewhat about it years ago, but alas, life's velocity forced my pen from my hand. Now I'm into calligraphic laser fonts! But there's not and never will be anything like hand-lettered.

Christy said...

Yes, whenever I get a handwritten note from my grandmother, I think to myself, "I have got to learn to write like this." Although I did know an older lady who couldn't print, she could only write in flowing script.

monirose said...

i've fallen head over heels with calligraphy as well.

one of my favorites is Emilie Friday; she is actually offering an awesome little calligraphy starter set (complete w/a Spencerian Script instruction book) that I recently ordered. I love it so far; and although I do hope to someday write as well as my grandmothers, I am discovering it an art that takes time and patience! So worth it!

Unknown said...

Christy, that seems like it could be the start of a great novel - the woman who couldn't print but only write in lovely script! I love it.

And Moni Rose - I'm going to google Emilie Friday right now! Thank you!

An Art Nest said...

What an admirable goal! I took a class one year at our local college and for our final piece we had to write an entire paragraph in Latin. If you messed up so much as a wrong slant you had to start COMPLETELY OVER. It was very rewarding when I finally got it right (perfectionism is fun, sometimes)!
Lovely post!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I definitely wasn't Japanese in a past life! My handwriting is terrible. I have no idea how I passed my final exams at school... how the assessors managed to understand my lousy script.

Um, are any of you sugar city readers out there willing to sell a village frock pattern? It's not being reprinted and Melissa and Lynne have kindly allowed me to ask you all if you are willing to part with one.

Not sure what size it comes in, but anything at or above a size three is good.

If so, could you please leave a comment on my blog and we can take it form there? www.eeloh.wordpress.com.

You'd make my year.... :-)

Unknown said...

Deb - I never knew you could do that! I am totally going to try that.