
Books by color

I spent a couple of hours the other night in our dining room after everyone had gone to bed organizing our books by color and pushing them up close to the edge of our deep shelves so you can really see them. It was very satisfying. I love projects that don't cost any money but end up changing the look of your room a bit. How I would enjoy wallpapering the back of these shelves next...

(And, speaking of books, I am reading a fascinating parenting one right now - Nurture Shock. It has changed my thinking in a couple of areas (one chapter in particular called "The Science of Teenage Rebellion" as well as "Sleep." Thank you for the recommendation, Stephanie and Audrey).


  1. They look great. Thanks for the book recommendation:)

  2. Brilliant! I am getting ready to re-shelve ALL our books in the living room in anticipation of the make-over. I think I will go with color organizing!!

  3. Your books look fab. Especially the green cluster. The furthest I've got with a similar project is grouping my Penguin Classics with their duck-egg blue spines together.
    Also, I'm delighted to hear you recommend NutureShock as I've been tossing up whether to buy it or not. I think the chapter on the downside of over-praising might be relevant to me and mine!

  4. I LOVED Nurtureshock! I don't have kids yet but it was still really interesting. The kind of book where you want to tell someone about something you read on every page!

  5. I need some parenting books at the moment...particularly one that will help the baby sleep better...

  6. I love NurtureShock -- it's one of the very few books I recommend to friends having kids. I've had it out from the library a few times now; I really should just get a permanent copy already.

    And isn't that chapter on sleep amazing?

  7. I had fun doing this too last year. It really made my book shelf look 100 times better. Yours looks great too.

  8. Ooh good, is that going to tell me it's not my fault that both my kids are terrible sleepers? Just about to start the night shift....hoping for possibly as few as 5 feeds tonight. And I love the books by colour. But how in the good world do you find the time? Or were you supposed to be doing the ironing? Washing up? Paperwork? ;0)
