

We are fortunate to live close(-ish) to my husband's parents, who, as grandparents do, love their grandkids. This past year I was trying to come up with birthday presents for them and decided that instead of more things, the most meaningful gift we could get them would be memories - specifically, memories of time spent talking and bonding with the grandkids. So I made a little book with 12 pages, and bought a gift card for each month of the next year with the idea that it could be used for a special outing with one of the kids. Like, for example,

June's gift card was for Jamba Juice with the three year old...

and May's was for a burger with the nine year old.

Other gift cards were for manicures at a local nail salon and Starbucks, for hot chocolate. Nothing was too expensive or complicated - just meant to provide some simple and sweet moments together; and hopefully conversations that might be treasured down the road.


  1. So clever. I might just have to try this out myself!

  2. I am sure they will appreciate such a thoughtful gift!
    What grandparent wouldn't love 12 dates with their favorite kiddos?

  3. What a wonderful idea! I might have to steal it! :)

  4. It was a great gift and we relly have enjoyed the time with the kids. We are still collection on the gift cards. I would suggest that you have the grandparents put the cards in their glove compartment of the car so they don't forget them. After all we are a bit old.

  5. What a fabulous idea-I might have to copycat that. How original!

  6. Oh man!!! I am stealing this one! You are brilliant!

  7. this is a super idea.

    our four are all grown now, and living in many places... visits with the two remaining grandparents are few and far between.

    but this gift-card-a-month idea might be just right for other special occasions.


  8. What grandparents wouldn't enjoy this! Love it.

  9. Great great great idea! Christmas time is coming...

  10. You are so thoughtful. What a great idea.

  11. absolutely sweet perfection. as always ;)

  12. I thought this was such a sweet and thoughtful idea. I featured it here. So clever!

  13. PS Is that first picture your rug from Turkey? I can't wait to unpack my stuff and find mine again!

  14. Lynne, you should sell these. I would seriously buy one. You have such gorgeous handwriting, too.
