
art lesson - andy goldsworthy

Our parent art docent program is off to a good start this year. It's been so wonderful to see other mothers (and I'm hoping for some fathers, too) step out of comfort zones and do this in our school's classrooms.

Last Friday I did this Andy Goldsworthy lesson with my son's class (check out all of the Duniway website's great lessons). We had a really interesting discussion while going through our slideshow, particularly over the question of whether the art installations, or the photographs, were the art (fourth graders can be profound, man!). Then we split up, went outside, and the kids got to work.

I thought their creations were breath-taking. (See some of Andy Goldsworthy's beautiful art here)

yipes! The link to Duniway's art lessons no longer is active - they have revised their site. If you are interested in the lesson plan, email me and I'd be happy to email you a copy.


  1. This is a really cool idea! What beautiful works of art!

  2. That's a great idea. I love school art history programs. Are you in charge of yours?

  3. Gee I just love this - really inspired me to get onto some exciting projects with my kids!

  4. You are brilliant Lynne! Your school is so lucky to have you! And so are your kids!

  5. What a fabulous inspiration you are! Once my son and I are feeling better, I want to try this with him.

  6. C'est joli et très créatif !

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. yay! one of my favorite artist's work being used to inspire chilren and their creativity! very encouraging and great idea.
