
the benefits of boredom

I'm of the school that says that parents do NOT need to entertain their children. "I'm bored," is a swear word in our house and my kids have learned not to say it. Instead, they create their own fun. This morning it was paper num nums taped to the seven-year old's chest, and a baby to nurse on them...


  1. thanks for the laugh!! Children can come out with the most creative things when we least expect. This is great!

  2. gold star for such a unique idea!!

    i would have died to see my 7yr old doing that haha, but the old dolly-under-her-tshirt thing has sure happened before

  3. This is hilarious! I hear so many funny conversations between my 8 year old and my 5 year old. Thankfully, they prefer to play pretend together, as opposed to watching tv. I am not sure if I agree with this statement or not, but my Dad used to say to us when we were kids that "People who say that they are bored are boring people."

  4. Deep belly laughs on this one...oh my goodness. I think I actually made a "guffaw" noise. I echo the "bored"=swear word feelings.

  5. Yes! Agreed...in fact someone recently told me to be as boring as possible and to watch what happens. After about 5 minutes the most ingenious creative play starts to appear, in with an 18 month old. Do you know the work of Kim John Payne - Simplicity Parenting? You may enjoy it! Thanks for the hilarious story!

  6. Where's the "Like" button? That's fantastic. I wish the first month I nursed my child were that pain and discomfort-free. :)

  7. oh, that is brilliant!!! as soon as I saw that first picture I knew RIGHT what this was about!

  8. I might just fashion myself a larger pair of tape on num nums!

  9. *snort*

    When I saw the top page I thought "those look like boobies. Oh, I'm such a perv. Surely they're something else".

    No. They're boobies.

    It has b een a different experience having an older child and a nursing baby for sure. Anna often asks me "which boob is he on?"


  10. ha, ha, everyone's comments crack me up! Yes, I think I need some good tape-on num nums myself!

  11. I would love to be a fly on the wall in your home!!! ;) "I'm bored" is not allowed in our house either... though sometimes that backfires and I can never find them when there's some chore to be delegated!!!

  12. Ha! Love that girl. Good thing she didn't make it in school:)

  13. LOL!! how funny are kids?! I wish mine was doing something productive like that now (or having her nap!) instead of chucking a tantrum on the time-out chair!!!
    thanks for the smile!


  14. Ha! That is so funny! For some reason nursing is so magnetic and mysterious to little people.
    I also agree with the "I'm bored" stance. For the past two days Bruce has said, "I'm so BORED. There's nothing to DO." So I told him that fun people can always find something fun to do. And then I gave him a whole list of my chores he could take over if he thought that would cure his boredom. He stopped asking me for suggestions very quickly. :)
