
What was twenty minutes of peace worth to you today?

For me, the bougainvillea. It no longer has any blossoms below the four foot mark.
Totally worth it.

If you have any pictures of what twenty minutes of peace was worth to you today, send them! It would cheer me immensely (*this might be the start of a 3 year old support group. But I would also accept submissions for other ages, having personally witnessed the damage that six year olds, in particular, are capable of.)


  1. I have bougainvilla. And a 3 year old. How did you combine the two to equal 20 minutes of peace, because I will try it?

    I'll send you pictures of the glue and marker covered table that was worth 15 minutes of peace (and a halloween collage) last night.

  2. Hmm... I guess it would be the flour covered counters in my kitchen. I heard her dragging her chair in there, I heard the lid of the flour container coming off, but I went "lalala" and left her alone. It was worth it.

  3. Sarah G -

    Sorry, I should have added for the other ingredient, locked screen door. :)

  4. It cost me 6 bucks and a stern eye rolling from my husband for spending when we're supposed to be saving and on more toys at that but I'd do it again. For 6 bucks I brought home a pink and red polkadot baby pram. Maybe it will buy me another 20 minutes tomorrow?

  5. I get more than 20 minutes of peace when I look at my bookshelves, thanks to you. I linked to your blog post where you arranged your books according to color. Thanks for the idea.

  6. That is too hilarious! Yes, it's true that having a few minutes of peace to oneself means later cleaning up some mess!

  7. Please, please, please can I join this support group.

  8. I was thinking about your post all day yesterday as I was trying to cook dinner and the baby sat on the counter for an hour playing with the bowl of hazelnuts. Then she eventually ended up scattering them all over the kitchen. But I was able to get the dinner prepared!

  9. At least this was a mess made outside and required no additional cleaning:)

  10. a box of baking soda + a teaspoon + 3 year old ...

  11. my peace came at the expense of one of the screens of my screened in porch. kitchen shears + screen + four year old = peace ??? (I'll have to frame it this way for my husband...)

  12. I just left a comment on your previous post about a jar of jam and a floor? That was a good 15 minutes peace.

  13. In my house it is often breakfast cereal strewn across the living room floor. Or eating a box of matzos. I can whole heartedly sympathise with you as I have a three year, five month old who is definitely testing her boundaries! She also beats up her seven year old brother who she insists is her best friend. I have to say three year olds make me laugh and cry - they are brilliant and terrible all at once - terribly brilliant or brilliantly terrible?

  14. The rocking horse's hair.

    Scissor time is the best. The rocking horse gets regular haircuts, and now that the weather is nice she literally cuts the grass, too.

  15. OUr youngest likes to climb--fully clothed--into the sink, turn the water on full blast and wash his hands with the teddy bear bar of soap. Every once in a while when I'm doing something I'll suddenly pause, wonder "Where is Levi?", listen for running water and run. Ah, climbers. Never had one before...
