
Holiday Fair, and sad realization

In classic Lynne-style, I volunteered (along with many others) to make a bunch of little crafts for the school to sell at their Holiday Shop this year. No problem, I thought. You'd like 20 from each crafter? Why, it will be a pleasure to plan on bringing 40! I like making things, and the right kind of craft can sometimes, if you happen to find yourself completely alone, take mere moments to assemble. That was back in August, when I had all the time in the world - a baby who took looong naps, and school days which hadn't filled themselves up. Now however December is almost upon me, with a myriad of other really big projects also on my plate - and so I found myself wandering the aisles of Michael's, panic surging through my veins.

I happened upon a little packet of blank bookmarks right next to the pretty Martha Stewart stickers, and the quick-craft lightbulb clicked on in my head. Bookmarks + stickers= easy and perfect!

It was only as I was driving away from the store that I realized:
I have become the out-of-touch mother who thinks that kids want to buy a bookmark at a holiday gift fair.
I'll have to remember not to put my name on them. I'll tell my kids I brought the candy cane reindeers. :)


  1. Oh Lynne, you are so hilarious! I cannot stop laughing... I hope the bookmarks sell. Maybe the grandma's visiting the fair will buy them.

  2. my kids would buy the bookmarks because of the stickers. seriously. but you are funny. a big hit at ours is the duct tape wallet. or anything made from duct tape. go figure.

  3. I would have bought a bookmark. I still have bookmarks from when I was a kid! Sometimes I find them tucked into the backs of my books. There's a market for them, don't worry :) Plus, I never liked candy canes :)

  4. This post made me smile. I don't know if I'll ever not overextend myself. It's just my nature.

  5. I realized I made a big spelling error in my comment. You are so funny; I love you, Lynne!

  6. My son would buy them - he loves bookmarks and keeps losing them. His sister would buy one just to copy her big brother!

  7. These are so cute! My kids would totally buy them. I have to chaperone the book sales to make sure my kids DON'T buy the candy!

  8. You are awesome.
    I love the bookmarks. The 10 year old me would have loved them (alas, I was a nerd.) :)

  9. Hey, MANY of your bookmarks were rung up by yours truly! We were truly grateful!
