
Almost Four: Party Time

To continue with the discussion of the four year old's birthday - Saturday morning we're having a pretend-slumber party for her (the deepest dream of her young heart). As far as I'm concerned, any activity where you can wear your pajamas = awesome. And if you can incorporate donut eating, even better.
Since the party numbers are few it took no time at all to deliver the edible invitations.
Details on Monday.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Lynne:
    Your mom told me about the whole party idea. Hilarious! You've got to explain the rest of the party activities!

  2. all of your patterns are sold out on the web cite. Is there somewhere else I can go to purchase one?

  3. I can't wait to hear more details. I love pajama parties!


  4. Hi Brenbren, sorry, they are all gone!

  5. What a sweet idea! I love pajama parties too!

    Just curious, did you ever receive the stamps I sent you? I hope they didn't get lost in the mail!
