
Fake Sleepover Birthday Party

This was probably the easiest birthday party we've done, and it was ever so fun.

a donut cake

girls in pajamas, stories on a big bed of blankets in front of the fireplace

painted fingernails

truth or dare
(the four year-old version, where truth=what do you want for christmas and dare=pretend to be a chicken, etc. :) )
freeze dance (eternal favorite party game in our house)

then...(a brilliant idea, which I can't take credit for. Thank you genius Jennie!)
the four year-olds toilet-papered our bushes. Which really capped the whole experience off on just the right note.

p.s.: about ten minutes before the party started, I remembered that Cookie had done a very adorable fake-slumber party story a couple of years ago. I wish I had thought of it earlier, drat. Maybe I'll use some of their cute ideas in August for an 8 year-old birthday party - I especially love the eye mask guessing game. (I'm scanning them in below, since I can no longer link to them. Sorry for the torn edges.)


  1. This is the BEST idea! My friend's little girl went to a daytime pajama party yesterday too!
    Totally going on the list for next birthday!

  2. Well, I have a teenage daughter and she loves slumber parties! I think I'll ask her if she wants a donut cake (I know she will!) Thanks for all the ideas because her birthday is this Friday! (I don't know if I'll encourage the t.p.ing though... might start something, especially if she takes after her mom...hahaha!).

  3. what a cute party! what issue of cookie is that? i think i have most of the back issues...
    i'm thinking of having a real slumber party for my daughter when she turns 8 in july.
    thanks for all the good ideas!

  4. What a fabulous idea...sleepover without all the headaches (or overly tired children!)

  5. oh how my two little girls would love this! very sweet....i imagine the party was very busy too!

  6. Lynne: You are the funnest mom ever! I would have loved this party when I turned four!

  7. GENIUS.
    i will be stealing (i mean borrowing) at somepoint ;-)

  8. ingenius, lynne. low key and no actual sleepover. heaven without the trauma of getting there.

  9. OMG, so cute! I may need to do this for our 2-yr-old's next birthday. Or maybe MINE!

  10. That sounds awesome! I love the pictures you include. This looks AMAZING! You did such a great job! Thanks so much for sharing :) Sleepover Party Supplies

  11. Hello, Great ideas for this party theme. thank you for sharing! I was wondering if you could email me or fax me a copy of the Cookie article? I'm very interested in their ideas. Thank you!

  12. Such a lovely party. Will arrange this sleepover party for my niece and her friends but now looking for event planners as have to arrange an event at one of local Venues in San Francisco. Will check on internet. Hope will find reputed vendors.
