
presents for school friends

Ah, finally, finally Christmas break is here! On our schedule now is a whole lot of nothing. And treat making and eating. And Christmas movie watching, and some present wrapping.

The seven year old is in chipmunk world right now. I think most of the time on the school playground is spent screaming, "chipmunk!" followed by lots of scurrying. I could go into more detail here but I'd rather not disturb you with the extent of her imaginary world, so I'll just leave it with this little necklace that she made for her friends. Papier Valise is a great source for tiny and interesting charms, and we like to string them on long pieces of embroidery floss that can be put over small heads without having to worry about being tied or untied, or latched or unlatched. (She is only seven, after all. :) )


  1. my daughter is also in love with chipmunks! I don't know where she got it from (she is 4) but it took us a while to find a stuffed one that she carries around with her everywhere.
    Also, have you read the Sisters Grimm series (he writes some clever books for boys as well)?

  2. You two should write a little book together... she will have fun remembering these imaginary games when she's older! Actually, who says you have to be seven... I kind of wish I had that necklace!!

  3. absolutely adorable! what lucky little girls!

  4. adorable! I love the little pouch you made.

  5. ❤ such fabulous presents!
    Merry Christmas to you and Melissa!

    Joyeux Noël !

    ❄ Blanc
    ❄ Magique
    ❄ Féerique
