
Do you remember all of the things your parents put on your walls, growing up? I can remember pretty much exactly what was on our living room walls, in the kitchen, my room, and even in the study bathroom (an old print of Mary Cassatt's Girl in a Straw Hat, green frame). I really care about what I put on our home's walls, so that our kids are surrounded by thoughtful beauty and images of things that are meaningful to us as a family. As soon as we have downstairs walls again (eight weeks to go!) I'll hang this picture of the Oakland LDS Temple I recently painted, a building that has personal meaning for us as a symbol of our religion and of the good people we hope to become through it.
What are your favorite pictures in your houses now? What did you love on your walls when you were little (besides Scott Baio? :) )


  1. We had a lot of art on our walls in our small tract house in LA. And a big family photo over the piano. I love your painting of the Oakland Temple - it's beautiful!

  2. My parents loved art, I also remember all the paintings we had at home. I miss them.

  3. My mom would buy prints of Monet and museum posters which I loved, but my favorite was a painting she did of different breads (I still have my dibs on it today!!!) because it showed her creativity and her baking! I had a really cool David Bowie poster too that Craig made me throw away when we got married.

  4. bummer about the David Bowie! :)

  5. Beautiful, Lynne! We've had a picture you painted of our home up for many years now -- since you painted it.

  6. My mother had a Mary Cassatt hanging, to! It was the two girls playing with a pail at the beach. She still has it in her bedroom and my daughter 'found' a running horse in the brush strokes last time we slept over there. I love watching my memories turn into my children's memories...simply lovely!

  7. We had a print on canvas of The Hay Wain by John Constable over our couch and I would lie down and get lost in that painting. It became so much apart of the scenery that I really didn't think too much about it once I grew older. Then when I was in London on a travel study program and saw it in the National Gallery I was immediately taken back to a happy childhood!

  8. Lovely painting Lynne!
    We had a very textured modernish oil painting of daisies over our family room sofa. I remember when I was sick and would lie staring at that painting for hours.

  9. P.S I'm glad you're posting again. I missed seeing your posts!

  10. I remember the artwork in the bedroom I shared with my sister very clearly. There was a silkscreen print with people dancing that said "Big Sur" in stylized letters. I didn't realize it had words until I was a teenager, since I had spent so much time looking at it before I could read, and had assumed the letters were design elements. There was also a very twee painting of an angel watching two children cross a bridge that holds a soft spot in my heart. And a black and white silhouette of a girl hanging up her doll's laundry that was from my grandmother's childhood room.

    Your temple painting is really lovely!

  11. I am a watercolorist too! I just hung my first painting in our house. I love that you're painting too! The only building that I've tried painting is my childhood home which incidentally is what I have hung. I have several others at the framers now.

    I love the idea of paying close attention to the art that hangs in our homes and have so deeply enjoyed the stories from the comments of all the visuals that imprinted on the minds of your readers as children. I'm off to art.com to look for prints I'd love to have engraved in the minds of my boys.
