
mom brain

I think I hear a comment almost daily from one of my playground mom friends about her frustration about forgetting things. Or it might be me making this comment. Sometimes I feel like my brain has become a slosh pit. I try to read, memorize new words, spend my few seconds of free time doing productive activities (like reading War and Peace; thank you Lynne for persuading me to take on this wordy hecatomb!) But to no avail, the slosh pit, gets sloshier, the details of yesterday fade and fade and fade until last week remains a blur. After watching this amazing 60 minutes episode I thought, something must be done. I cannot go on like this any longer. My brain needs help. Thus my new year's resolution to write in my little sketchbook/journal every day this year. One short little blurb or one little sketch to sum up each day. Hopefully this will help me give form to my days and nights, delineate details that might otherwise fade into oblivion.


  1. I feel your pain, since having kids I can hardly string a coherent thought together! Great idea, have fun with it!

  2. That is a great idea.
    I don't do that often enough, and I also feel quite slosh-y often.
    Also, it's fun to hear your voice again.

  3. It gets better. The older they are, the better you sleep, and the more time you have to do things that being you joy (not mommy joy)... the better your memory. In the meantime, keep a notepad with you all the time. I had to start writing everything down or I would forget it. "What do you want from Subway?," I'd ask my husband, walk out the front door and turn right back around. "What did you want again?"
    Yep, gotta write things down.

  4. Yep, I definitely suffer from "Mom Brain." I walk into a room, stand there and ask myself, "Why did I come in here? What was I going to do?" Trying to work full-time, raise a family, run a household, etc., it's hard to juggle it all and remember everyday tasks! Good idea about keeping a journal!

  5. Great idea. Like blogging, but . . . just for you. (And your brain.)

  6. Oh... I've sometimes wondered if I have early onset Alzheimers - my mom brain is that bad sometimes.

  7. So, so, so, so, so, so true. For example, right at this moment, I only have a general idea of how old I am.

    I love that little glimpse into your sketchbook. That will be a treasure that your kids fight over one day.

  8. i know what you are talking about. it`s a pity!

  9. i am always getting out of the car to walk in somewhere when I brush my hand across my shoulder...you know, to check that i put on a bra that day...

    on a serious note (but nonetheless true) I write down EVERYTHING I have to do each day on a 5x8 index card (from taking a shower to removing gum from the living room carpet) - Then, when I find myself wondering aimlessly around the house, I can remember what I'd forgotten~

  10. I've thought of starting a sketch journal but haven't ever felt up to committing to such an undertaking (since I can't even manage to keep a regular journal without sketches). Yours looks beautiful! Like Lynne said, it will be a treasure your kids will adore as they grow older.

  11. Ce journal est magnifique !

    Your journal looks fabulous! I did that when my daughter was younger for the same reasons :) and it is so very precious, for her and for me. I love your sketches!


  12. I know partly it's the busyness of life but I have just been reading that it's partly due to hormones and aging... I'm looking into bio-identical hormones because of it.

  13. do it
    I have kept a journal for a good many years and from time to time Ill read over them and find a plethora of things I have forgotten and would have lost if I hadnt have put it in my journal.

  14. I totally understand. Before having kids, if I tried to remember something, it was like I was rifling through a file in my head. Lots of images, sorting through to find the information. Now? There's nothing. Just black. "How's your week been?" someone asked me today? "Ummmmmm....what day is it again?"

  15. How exciting! What a brilliant idea. I love the little sketch embedded in your writing, all free-form around it.

  16. Oh my gosh! I decided to do the very same thing when my friend insisted my family had dinner last year at their house on Christmas eve and I could not (for the life of me) remember that evening last year!!! So frustrating AND embarrassing!

  17. Hi Melissa! It's soeur hughes!! I have been lamenting my mommy brain ever since the first one, and now with #3 i have to write everything down. I have calendars, shopping lists for different stores, notebooks for workouts, notebooks for menus, notebooks for ideas. I'm a mess. Love you and your stuff here! Where are you now? I'm in NC....

  18. The only thing worse is pregnant mom brain. That's what I have. Love your journal. Please share some sketches with us.

  19. Love the idea! I'm going to follow your good example and try it too.

    gros bis pwipwi
