
baby sweater

I think every newborn needs a hand-knit, imperfect sweater, don't you?
(I used the baby sweater pattern in More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts - and it was simple to follow, which was lovely. Dare I say easier to make than Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket? (for me, at least) )


  1. I made this one too. I thought it was really an easy pattern too.

  2. Margot has long outgrown her baby surprise sweater, but we have relegated it to the keepsake box. A handknit sweater is a keeper.

  3. brilliant, hurray for imperfection, or as l. cohen would say 'there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in'.

  4. especially the imperfect part. handmade sweaters are superb.

  5. Adorable. Love the sentiment too -- an imperfect, handmade sweater. Yes, every newborn needs one of those -- and the love that went into making it! P.S. Thanks for the watercolor hints. We are off and running now!
