
kitchen saga continues

Look, my kitchen is finished!

Just kidding, that's actually a picture of a kitchen from Country Home Jul/Aug 2007 that I gave to my contractor. Isn't it pretty? We're hoping ours has some of the same elements by the time we are done: white cabinets, soapstone counters, and wood floors. It's a long process, though, and thank goodness for insurance, as much of a hassle it is to work with them.

Thanks for hanging around even though Melissa and I are barely posting right now. We actually have some ideas (I know, shocking!) to make the blog more reflective of what we do these days, since neither of us are really sewing so much anymore. Maybe in the next few weeks you'll see our new format...


  1. I love it! Can't wait to see your finished product...whenever that will be. :)

  2. Oh, what a lovely inspiration picture! At least there is a happy ending coming through all the turmoil.

  3. Oh that looks awesome, can't wait to see how yours turns out.
    And err... reading W&P has kinda gone on the back burner... been hard to get into it in the evenings when the girls are in bed and I'm worn out!! Hope the reno's go smoothly! :)

  4. Lynne:
    I know the kitchen will be worth it in the end... I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  5. This is my dream kitchen as well, I can't wait to see how it turns out and what you think of the soapstone countertops...reviews seem to be a bit mixed, but I love the look of them so much more then other stones.

  6. yay- looking forward to it! you are two very creative and inspiring ladies!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh my goodness, I LOVE this kitchen! It is everything I would want. I love the white with dark wood floors and a dark countertop. I can't wait to see how your kitchen turns out.

  9. The dude is completely just, and there is no skepticism.
