
new beginning

Dear Lynne:

In a few days it will be my family's one-year anniversary of living in England. I feel like I'm finally starting to feel that old familiar urge to create. I've missed conspiring on projects with you. But I think we should have a new beginning--create a new sugar city, evolved into where we are in our current lives. It is so beautiful in England. I feel constantly inspired to pick up my brush and paint what I see. I know that the spring in California must be amazing. (I love your cherry blossom painting, by the way.) What if we made a painting correspondence? We could choose a theme, it could be one word, or a photo, or general idea, then we could each paint our own interpretation.

What would you like to do for our first project? I'm thinking clouds, sad, brooding, menacing clouds. Is that too melancholic for the spring? Maybe it would be befit the catastrophic events in Japan. What do you think?

Also, I'm constantly inspired by your mind. I love how you are constantly reading good books and sharing all your interesting insights. Perhaps we could continue with your goal to read more classics. What would be a good book to read next?

I've got some other ideas of posts about my effort to teach my kids French which has been on-going for about two years, as well as some of the challenges of raising children today. What do you envision for our new beginning?

I can't wait to hear from you...



  1. Melissa, I have so missed your voice!
    That landscape is beautiful. It fills my heart with joy that you are willing to share your creativity again.

  2. That painting is gorgeous! You make it look easy and it's not! I've missed you too Melissa! It just feels right when you both are posting. I'm glad you are creating again-- you both are such creative souls. And I had no idea that you were in England... so lucky!!

  3. oh, melissa, that painting is stunning.

    i love your ideas. here's to a great new beginning! i'm going to get started.

  4. how wonderful to hear from you, melissa! your painting is so very very beautiful - it makes me want to paint too.
    so looking forward to hearing more from you both - the painting correspondence idea is very intriguing!

  5. you two amaze me with your creativity. i'm always so inspired by your thoughts. i can't wait to see what you come up with. :)

  6. your painting is beautiful, melissa. welcome back.

  7. I'm all in. please please please, a reason to paint again. it's been far too long.

    a year overseas already? unbelievable. seriously.

  8. The thing you're writing is a big blunder.
