
Dear Melissa,

Would you like to see our dining room, post-leak?

(For those of you who are reading who don't know, we had a leak in the beginning of January from our kitchen, which ruined our floors, kitchen cabinets, drywall, and dining room bookcase. Slowly, slowly, slowly things have been put back together).

(Our previous built-in was brown, with large cabinets on the bottom. This time (and hopefully our last time!) we opted to go white, and have all the shelves be uniformly sized bookshelves.
Steve surprised me with this chandelier I've been looking at for years for Valentine's Day. So romantic.)

I love all things John Robshaw, but unfortunately all things John Robshaw are pretty much out of my budget because I plan on sending my children to college one day. So I applied the techniques explained in Lena Corwin's excellent book and made my own block print shade for the window. Can you see it? It is supposed to look a little bit like these gorgeous-maybe-one-day fabrics.

Grand total for my curtain project (I sewed together some old sheers that had been languishing in the back of my linen closet for a couple of years - and now that I look at the picture I maybe should have done a better job ironing them) - $4.95 for the small bottle of block printing ink. Success!

We're still finishing up the kitchen but hopefully in the next two weeks that will be done and I can use the kitchen sink and disposal again. What a luxury it will be to no longer spend long amounts of time fishing soggy cheerios out of cereal bowls before I can wash them!



  1. The kitchen is coming along beautifully! I love the curtain you made.

  2. Lynne: oh, can I move into your house? I would love to sit at that table under the dangling warm lightbulbs and pick a book off of your beautiful new shelves and gaze at those curtains. They are so beautiful. My girls just picked me some Lily of the Valley from our garden yesterday. It smells so amazingly beautiful. The perfect flower for your perfect dining room.

  3. It's looking great! I used Lena's book to print curtains for my kitchen and am also quite impressed with it. Super easy to use! And your curtains show it.

  4. Lynne: I'm curious: how long did it take to print your curtains?

  5. Melissa - the printing part of the project took me about 40 minutes? It was pretty quick.

  6. Now your curtains are worth more than any Robshaw curtain because YOU made them! I love it! And I love that red and white chair! Bravo!

  7. I love your house, Lynne. Please come design mine for me. Also, tell me that is the target chair in cinnabar because I have had my eye on it for a few months and if yours is then i must simply buy it, too.

  8. Its wonderful image and light bulb.This is very good post. Keep it up......
