
pick up your brush

"cheerful as a cricket"

Grandma Moses, painting

Dear Melissa,

In doing a little research for an art class this morning, I came upon the obituary of artist Grandma Moses from the New York Times on the day of her passing back in 1961, and was completely charmed. Go read it, it doesn't take long and it will make you feel happy. I especially loved this quote from an unnamed German fan:

"There emanates from her paintings a light-hearted optimism; the world she shows us is beautiful and it is good. You feel at home in all these pictures, and you know their meaning. The unrest and the neurotic insecurity of the present day make us inclined to enjoy the simple and affirmative outlook of Grandma Moses."

Doesn't that just make you, to quote the obituary writer, cheerful as a cricket yourself? I think Grandma Moses had it all figured out.

"I look back on my life like a good day's work, it was done and I feel satisfied with it. I was happy and contented, I knew nothing better and made the best out of what life offered. And life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."


  1. oh, wow! I've never taken my paints into the outdoors like she has in her photograph. I'm scared of wind and sand getting into my work space! I like her thoughts on life, as well.
    Also, ya'lls (you will have to excuse the southern slang) new 'look and writing style' is intriguing (much like everything else I ever see you two post) I'm seriously one of your biggest fans (just ask my husband...I made him sit through a thirty minute look-see of your blog one day - sorry, but, I think he was bored :)...but never mind him...
    Keep it up!

  2. It can be so applied to the rest of our lives as well.....we miss you all!!!

  3. Susannah, thank you so much for your nice words. I will excuse your husband's lack of interest only because I have similarly subjected mine to all sorts of random blog posts as well! :)

  4. It made me smile to read about her fresh and simple life. There is hope for an aspiring artists as she only commenced at age 76! Thanks for sharing this with us Lynne!

  5. This will not actually have effect, I think so.
