
study a bit

Dear Melissa,

I hope you are having a lovely time with your house guests (give them a hug from me, please).

I finally found time last night to plunge into Macbeth. I opened up a window to hear the wind, wrapped myself in a big blanket, and read. It's awesome of course, and I can't believe how completely crazy Lady Macbeth is. And Macbeth, hello, flaky. I am thoroughly enjoying it and I am excited to hear your thoughts (and those of whoever else is reading.)


ps - more pictures, anyone? the possibilities are endless, really...


  1. I must find a cozy spot, next to a window, open it wide and curl up in a quilt with my oversized Shakespeare book. I have two days to get going, right?

  2. Yeah, and once you start, it goes quick!

  3. Well that sounds a suitably wild and wooly day for absorbing the bleak tale. I too had forgotten just what a sociopath Lady M is. Her comment about tearing her suckling babe from her breast and dashing its head really got to me in a way it never did at school ie well before I had nursed my own babes. Anyway, I'm tipping she was never up for Parent of the Year!
    I loved the way we were straight into action and intrigue. And the pace was cracking. I do want to get a companion reader and go through it again though because some of the beautiful language eluded me. But even with those words or phrases I couldn't recall the meaning of, it's such a pleasure to read once you get into that beautiful rhythm of the iambic pentameter. Inspired by this, I've booked tickets to what is billed as an 'interactive' performance of Macbeth by the Australian Shakespeare Co. Frankly, I'm terrified!

  4. I know Christen, the language is unbelievably beautiful. I have to read/whisper it out loud to really get the flow of the words, which is probably weird, but it makes all the difference for me.

    My favorite word so far is "incarnadine" (which means to turn something red, I found out).

  5. Possibly my favourite quote in all of Shakespeare: 'Light thickens; and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood: Good things of day begin to droop and drowse; while night's black agents to their preys do rouse.' Can still quote slabs of MacBeth more than 25 years after studying it. Thanks for reminding me of its fabulousness.
