
fairy fun

Our little friend Lolo just turned 5. She's my daughter's first and best friend.
We decided to have tea for her because we adore her.

We made her a cake
(the ubiquitous rainbow cake. I couldn't help myself! It was hard to cut, but fun)

here they are, the party girls. After this picture was taken they trotted off to play their favorite game, "Honey and Sweetie," which is basically pretend mother and daughter. I overheard them talking about bombs through the bushes, though, and when I asked them what exactly they were playing, my daughter sweetly replied that today they were playing "Honey and Sweetie, and the Dangers of Hell." Nice. Come over for some cake, and my daughter will play a game with you about hell.

Thankfully we had a gift for Lolo to make up for all the talk about you-know-where. We made a FAIRY TRAP from a stick & thread & hot glue (kind of like a dream catcher - put a dab of glue on your starting point, and then wind the thread back and forth, gluing a little as you go to secure the thread). The fairy trap is meant to be woven with flowers to lure unsuspecting flying folk into having a little nap on the wee hammock you've made for them.

(fairy trap in action)

We also made her a FAIRY ROOM out of a small box with clear sides that I found at Michael's. We filled it with a nest, bags of moss, glitter and sparkly string, and a bundle of pretty fabrics (see below, being mauled by the baby).

The point is to decorate the box, and then leave the top open at night so that maybe a fairy might pop in for a rest while you are asleep. You never know, right?

Sparkly play dough was also in order. Because play dough is awesome and with glitter even better.

Happy birthday, Lolo! We're sorry you learn swears when you come to play with us!


  1. Love that cake! Amazing. And I just love fairy houses, hammocks and the talk of hell just helps keep everything in balance you know.

  2. This party is insanely beautiful! I love everything about it.

    P.S. I'm hosting a great giveaway and I thought you might like it.

  3. Ha, ha, ha, such a funny conversation between the girls. I find those scenarios chez-nous also.

    You are so full of beautiful ideas. I love the fairy gift with the house, the trap, the playdough...

  4. what a lucky girl Lolo is...you guys are good friends. that party is v. sweet.

    but this made me laugh out loud:

    they were playing "Honey and Sweetie, and the Dangers of Hell." Nice. Come over for some cake, and my daughter will play a game with you about hell.



  5. you are so creative. love all the fun things you do.

  6. it's funny, the things you stumble across in blogs...this is just adorable! the girls, the game, the fairy trap! thanks for starting my day with a smile...
    : )


  7. Thanks for this article, very effective information.

  8. Goodness, there is a lot of effective info in this post!

  9. wow I really love the photo of the two little boys above, one looks so lonely and the other one is sad, love it thank you...

  10. Hey, there's really much effective information above!
