
summer dresses

Sewing for summer: Heather Ross's flower girl dress, from Weekend Sewing. Love how flexible this pattern is, and how quickly it comes together. (Note: be sure and measure for chest size before you make this - the pattern runs small, but it's easy enough to add an inch to either side of the bodice pieces.)


  1. Precious dresses! I love summer dresses for little girls - so classic and timeless. :)

  2. Those are so sweet Lynne! I love the simple lines and timeless pattern.
    So, do you have any sewing ideas for boys? After a 7 year wait for L to have a sibling we are finally having a baby boy! I'm trying to gather up some fun ideas..?

  3. I love the baby attacking shot. Sweet little dresses. I'm glad to see you've not abandoned your sewing!

  4. I am so in love with that Gnome fabric!

  5. thanks!

    i'm obsessed with that cute gnome fabric too!

  6. Gorgeous :) I loe the sweet, classic design

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