
I've been a little obsessed with making paper flowers over the past couple of months. It is the perfect quick thing to do with your hands that doesn't require too much thought and I love how delicate and stretchy crepe paper is.

our flower chandelier

our fancy animals

Great instructions for making paper flowers are on Martha Stewart and Oh Happy Day (btw, Oh Happy Day contains a treasure trove of other ideas for what to do with your paper flowers. Many, many festive ideas!).

Happy mother's day this weekend!


  1. Thank you so much for this! Glad I caught it- tomorrow is bring your teacher a flower for appreciation day!

  2. Beth - it's 10:41 pm and I'm just realizing too about teacher appreciation-flower day tomorrow!

  3. beautiful! They would be so pretty on a gift too, wouldn't they?

    We miss you!

  4. Your creations are amazing. Im totally stunned.

  5. Great pieces of art you have shared with us and there is no doubt that in this way we can make our home very decorated and attractive.

  6. Lynne, can you tell me a bit more about the animals? Did you make those?? I've been toying with the idea of doing some more substantial (and permanent) papier-mâché projects. (I say that not having done any since grade school!) Your animals reminded me of some ideas I've had...

  7. Jennie - I wish I'd made them! I actually bought them at anthropologie. but I don't think they'd be too hard to make...

  8. Love the beautiful flowers!That's amazing!

  9. You make beautiful crepe paper flowers.

  10. They would be so beautiful nor is a gift?

  11. Very beautiful flowers... I like this feeling...

  12. I am truly inspired by this online journal! Extremely clear clarification of issues is given and it is open to every living soul. I have perused your post, truly you have given this extraordinary informative data about it. Jadwal Bola

  13. Your creations are amazing. Im totally stunned.
