
it's been a year...time for a giveaway!

It's been a year since Melissa and I started our little blog. It has been, and continues to be, an awesome part of our lives. Who knew turning on the computer each morning could be filled with so much happy anticipation? We've met so many amazing people and have been inspired in countless ways by this creative, nurturing blog community. So thank you for stopping by. And thank you, again and again, for your generous and encouraging comments, each of which we savor and really, really appreciate!

We'd like to mark our small anniversary by giving away this simple yellow linen shift dress, made to size for the short person in your life (between 18 mo. and 5T). Would you like us to send it to you, packaged up adorably in brown paper? If so, leave a comment, and we'll chose the winner (randomly, of course) on Tuesday.

So again, thank you.
Melissa and Lynne


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Anonymous said...

Oooohh, it's darling. I'm a definately in for that giveaway. I know just the person who would love to wear it.

Shannon said...

Happy Blog Birthday! That dress is absolutely stunning. So simple and gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I just LOVE your blog. I'm continually inspired to see your creations. Thanks so much for sharing with everyone

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Count me in!

Holly said...

Happy Birthday and Anniversary! I have been mightily inspired by both of you to sew, sew, sew for my two daughters. Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and cute kids.

mel said...

Happy Birthday! I have to say that your blog is a great source of inspiration, and all of your designs are absolutely gorgeous! I wish my kids were that well dressed! And that little dress so pretty!

Thank you so much and keep on the good work!

Anonymous said...

I so love coming to your blog and seeing the creative and beautiful clothes you make. You have inspired me to start sewing clothes my own little one. She would love the yellow dress in the giveaway!!

natalie said...

Oh, yes! My daughter would absolutely LOVE this... you two are so talented.

Bethany said...

Adorable, adorable, adorable dress!!! But I don't have a little girl in this size in my life right now :( So good luck to all of those lucky readers who do!
You two are such a blessing in my life... I always love your posts!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little dress. I have two little girls that would make good use of it!
Thank you for your blog, it brightens my day.

artemisandollie said...

Happy blogbirthday! I have been equal parts inspired and frustrated by you two- I'm definitely sewing more but nothings turning out that great yet... someday. Count me in for the giveaway!

Carly said...

Oooooh.... I am LOVING little linen sun dresses right now. Please pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally a (tiny) chance to get your beautiful clothes! I keep hoping you'll start to sell them....

Tricia said...

Beautiful! And happy birthday. I find your aesthetic so inspiring.

caro said...

congratulations on such a wonderful blog- it's always a treat to steal a few minuets and see what you guys have been up to. What lucky kids to have such clever creative mummies!

Rachel said...

Happy Blog Day to you! I have read for a long time and I am leaving my first comment. I love that little dress and have a sweet little girl who would be honored to wear it. Thank you for having a contest!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog and just LOVE the clothes that you design. Thank you for your blog and the inspiration for the small things in life...Would luv to win the dress for my soon to be 4 year old.

Silcox Stories said...

Has it really been a year! I love my morning or nap time routine of checking my "blog route" which starts with Sugar City! I can't wait to be able to buy from you girls!

Linnea said...

Oh! I would love to see my little niece in such a lovely handmade dress. It is gorgeous and my favorite color! Your blog never fails to impress!

Anonymous said...

I've been sewing less than a year and about to embark on my first clothing project for my 2 year old. Your site is so inspiring! I hope I can someday make such beautiful classic clothes for my littel girl.

misschris said...

Happy Blogday! Count me in... I've got a little 2 year old who looks darling in yellow... :) And thank you so much for posting and sharing all you do.

Wendy said...

Love that dress! My girl would love that!

Love your blog - thanks for the give-a-way!

Blakely said...

Your blog is great and I enjoy reading it every day.

liz said...

lovely little dress!

i'm de-lurking to say...pick me!
i'm amazed every time you guys post one of your wonderful creations - they are all so simple and beautiful!
exactly what i would sew if i could make up my own patterns.
love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the dress, so simple and darling. Do you design the patterns yourself? LOVELY!!

Unknown said...

I love it. I adore your blog! SUCH gorgeous designs.

wiredalive at hotmail dot com

Nannette said...

Congrats on the anniversary of your awesome blog! And weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A giveaway! :)

FrauB said...

I've been lurking for a while and am inspired every time you sew something. My goal is to bust out my machine this summer and get cracking!


Susan said...

What an adorable dress! Yes, count me in. I look forward to checking your blog everyday. Truly, you two are blessed with amazing talents!

Jill said...

Adorable dress. I would love it for my daughter. Your blog is so inspiring, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! The dress is adorable..

Little Candle said...

I adore the cloths you have on your blog. If I happened to win I would very happily send the dress along to my niece. Thanks for the opportunity.

Carolyn said...

Happy Blogiversary! My daughter's nickname is Lemon and she would be delicious in your dress!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your year anniversary!
I am constantly insprired by your creations, and your photos..keep it up and thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Your dresses are always so cute they make me want to cry. This one is no exception. I am going through a serious yellow phase. Love your blog. Love it.

Rubyellen said...

Eek!!! So excited... finally a chance to own a creation by the "two sisters who conspire together"! Happy Blogversary and I hope I win! I have two little girls, so it would get used and passed down for years to come!!

**all my fingers are crossed**

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are doing great!!! I've been watching you for a few months now and I want to sew more than ever. I do love your photography, too though!! Congrats!

*jj said...

Oh dude. I'm beginning to fall head over heels in love with yellow... this dress is so lovely!

sarah said...

what a wonderful idea! count me in for the drawing. we enjoy the blog here. i am not quite as skilled in the sewing dept as you ladies, but i am always inspired to try things after seeing your posts.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! It's inspired me to take sewing lessons! I would love to get that gorgeous dress! Thanks!

Shannon said...

Just my little girl's color. I have been inspired and loaded up on fabric.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I would love for you to send it to me-packaged however you'd like ;)
Happy Weekending!

Asha said...

All your projects are wonderful! I'd love to be entered in the contest with my niece in mind. Thanks!

geobrarian said...

congratulations. i'm so glad i found you. your blog has been a real inspiration for me.

i know one little sprite who'd love a lellow dress...

melissa said...


This dress is amazing. The photos are so sweet too. Great work!


So cute! I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

So adorable. My daughter would love it!

ty and megs said...

ooooh i would love it! i recently found your blog and have loved it! so inspiring! thank you for sharing.

Lauren said...

Happy Anniversary!! LOVE your blog ..... the dress is adorable as usual.


Bernadette Uzcategui said...

I would LOVE to be entered in your drawing! Thanks so much for the inspiration...you rock!

acmcs said...

That dress is lovely and would be perfect on my little niecey--in a year or two!
Your blog is great.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog.

Unknown said...

What a milestone! I would love to be entered in your giveaway--my daughters would definately fight over that dress!

carrie said...

I am always so inspired by your blog and would be honored to have a little something of yours for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you! I always look forward to seeing your next creation. My daughter is 2 and would look so sweet in that dress. Please, pretty please, would you sell your patterns soon?!

Monica said...

Love the dress, and yellow is my favorite color!!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing all of your creations. so lovely and original.

Shauna said...

Oh my goodness, yes please!!! My Lucy would love this sweet little dress. After a year of being envious of all the beautiful things on your blog, I think it's finally time for me to learn how to sew!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your inspiring creations!


That dress is absolutely adorable - and would look perfect on my little niece!

katy said...

hooray for blog birthdays! i love all your dresses/skirts/etc, i wish i were a child so i could wear them!
i do have a lovely little niece who would adore a wonderfully made little dress... :)
thank your for inspiration (i keep saving photos of your clothing to my inspiration-folder, they're so wonderful! perhaps one day if i ever have children, I'll be able to make them clothing as fun as you make for yours...)

lera said...

Happy birthday, Sugar City Journal! As usual, I love the dress. Very sweet.

Kari said...

I love that buttery color. Keep up the blogging, I so enjoy it!

Jess said...

Happy Blog-Birthday!
You know I would LOVE that dress for my elder Hug-a-Bug!
Thanks for all the inspiration!
Lots of Exclamation points today!

mangoblossoms said...

just so sweet! (the dress AND the giveaway) congrats on an amazing year.

Eve said...

Happy Bloggiversary! That dress would be so perfect on my daughter.

eBirdie said...

Happy blog-day! Lovely dress...this is such an inspiring site to visit. :)

Julie w said...

I want it.

n. said...

Love your blog & know the perfect little girl to showcase this adorable dress! http://www.flickr.com/photos/neeecole/2328494286/

:) count me in!

Anonymous said...

My little girl would love that! :)

Emily said...

The dress is beautfiul. My 2 1/2 year old would LOVE it!

danica said...

Ooo, I'll comment! What a sweet dress, for sure!

Love, love, love your blog. What fabulous ideas you guys have. I'm so inspired every time you post.

Kristi said...

so sweet. love your blog. so inpiring!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in on the fun! Natalie

Anonymous said...

Can't tell you how much your creations inspire me to sit down at the machine! Thank you! Anne Marie, annemarieandron(at)usfamily(dot)net

Abbey said...

Congratulations! Your blog never fails to inspire me! And the dress would look adorable on my daughter. I would be so thrilled to have a "sugar city" piece! THanks for blogging!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your designs and inspiration . Congrats on a year. I would love this for the little girl in my life. Thanks!

Erica-Jane said...

I haven't visited in wee while, I always miss so much!
Off to catch up...


ps - I wish you had a shop just around the corner from me!

Anonymous said...

love your blog so much and the items you make are SO beautiful. would so love to see this dress on my monkey!

hdayton said...

Congratulations to both of you! I always look forward to your latest project. Any chance you will make any of your patterns available?
Keep up the great work!

christine said...

Ohhh - lovely! You make me want to take up sewing but I don't think my creations would measure up. So put my name in the hat!

The Nelsons said...

Beautiful! I love all your creations!

Allison said...

I am so excited! I adore all the creations and would love to dress my little girl in the darling shift dress.

meg said...

please put my name in the hat!

Anonymous said...

I'm so very glad I found your blog, girls! I wish I'd have discovered you a year ago! What an amazing source of inspiration you two are...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that would be a lovely surprise in the mail. Your creations are a real inspiration.

Wren said...

Oh this is precious! I enjoy all things Sugar City, thanks for sharing!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Roo would look so sweet in that dress! Happy Birthday and thanks for a chance to win some sugar...

Unknown said...

heck ya!

janec said...

oh my niece would look so cute in this

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary. You two are just amazing. Would love t0 win that simply sweet dress.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is so exciting! First of all happy birthday your blog is completely inspirational. Fingers crossed im lucky.

hollygourley at yahoo dot co dot uk

greatjencreations said...

This is my first post here, but I've been enjoying your blog for a few weeks now. I'm a new sewster (seamstress? seamster? whatever), and your creations inspire me regularly.

2T, please, for my little winner!

Happy anniversary!

girlwithmoxy said...

Oh my oh my oh my! It's too precious. I've been lurking here and wishing with all my heart that you would start producing patterns for the amazing things you create. I can't walk into my Hancocks fabric anymore. I've been spoiled by seeing what children SHOULD be wearing! And please, oh please, enter me in the drawing!

sew nancy said...

yeah! happy blog birthday
the dress is lovely as is your blog and creations.
i am always inspired by the clothing you make
i have a little girl and i would love to see her in this next summer.

Dottie Lou's said...

oh my goodness it's sooo cute! The color is lovely.
It will...I mean would ;)look so pretty on my little girl..lol!

Wife of a Soldier said...

Oh! Very cute! would love to win that for my Miss Beanie Pie!
~Another Laura

Just be...... said...

Love the blog, love the dress, love your creations!!
Thanks for a chance to win one of your designs.

Unknown said...

your designs are so darling! Happy birthday to your blog. I'd love to be able to make such beautiful clothes for little ones.

Work said...

congratulations! oh, man, would my tot look cute in that...

the fabled needle (jen) said...

i would love to win this adorable dress!

Anonymous said...

You both make such beautiful outfits for your kids - your blog always inspires me to sew more.

Andrea said...

I would love this dress for my daughter. And it would be perfect for my parents 30th anniversary vow renewal because the whole family is dressing in black and yellows.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the blog and love the dress. Happy one-year anniversary!

marilynl said...

You two are amazingly creative. I know a little grand daughter (and her mom) who would love this lovely dress.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your inspiring work!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! I've found your website so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog anniversary! Love your blog and the clothes you create. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog anniversary! Love your blog and the clothes you create. Thanks for sharing.

margaret k. said...

What a sweet giveaway! My daughter had her first birthday this week. You guys are so inspiring. Seeing your lovely creations makes me want to sew all of my kids' clothes. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity. Happy One Year!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dress! I love your blog -- so inspirational.

Michelle said...

horray, and congratulations! i love stopping by here for inspiration. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd love to win. You are so inspiring.

Mandy said...

Happy, happy day! Congrats!

Johanna said...

I often wish that you would start a shop to sell some of your beautiful clothes. They are so lovely! I know i'd certainly love to see my baby girl wear that dress some day. Count me in! I hope there are many more years to come for your blog. I really enjoy it!

CMN said...

Don't we all wish we were size 18 mos - 5T?? Oh, but wait, we once were! LOL! So, here's hoping to win for my darling niece Victoria... who just happens to be a perfect size 18 months and growing. Congratulations on a beautiful year!

Johanna said...

if we leave more comments does it increase our chances of winning? :)

amy turn sharp said...

awesome! me me me?

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

I just happen to have THREE girls who would fit into that dress. How handy to have so many so close in age.

(I've been stalking your blog for a while. Lots of fun!)

Who Are These People? said...

That shift would look great on my little Finley girl! Fingers crossed!

Whit said...

Yea - now that I have a girl ... count me in fir sure!

Anonymous said...

The two of you are an inspiration to all of us to try to sew for our little ones! Every single garmet you design and sew........ is absolutely perfect!

Including your little giveaway dress!

the child family said...

Your dresses are so unbelievably adorable! I know a little 4 year old who would love this yellow dress!

Jessie B. said...

Happy blog anniversary! What a beautiful little dress.

Erika said...

Well, that would look smashing on Daisy, so count us in!

The Hammonds said...

Ooh, yes. I'd love a little yellow dress.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And thank for all the loveliness. Your pictures and words and designs are amazing and inspirational. Would love to see sugar city sewing patterns one day!

Rachael said...

Thank you for sharing a part of your lives with us - we should be giving you gifts!

Anonymous said...


Art Nest said...

Wow...you guys have had an enormous response...PLEASE PUT MY NAME IN THE DRAWING! Your blog is such an inspiration to me!

Jill said...

The chance to win something from this blog is too good to pass up. Everything is adorable and a yellow shift? Very sweet.

Clover said...

I haven't been reading your blog that long, and this is my first comment, so I don't really feel deserving of winning, but I love your blog, I love the yellow dress, and most especially I love the short person in my life who happend to look adorable in yellow. Happy Blogiversary!

Anne said...

ohh the prettyness
Please randomly pick me.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Lynne and Melissa. I love your blog and seeing what you two are up to. What great, creative, talented cousins I have! Here is looking to another super duper year.

Dawn Elizableth said...

Happy Blogiversary! I can't believe I # 136. I'm sure they be another 500 or so comments. The dress is too cute!

Anonymous said...

I always look forward to seeing your beautiful creations.

Anonymous said...

wow...that little yellow dress sure did bring everyone out of hiding! ;)
happy blogoverary!! your creations have been a great source of inspiration to me and i cannot wait to see what the future holds for you both...maybe some patterns for us commoners to sew up ;) ???


brandie said...

that dress is adorable! really all the clothes you make are wonderful.

FlippyTWS said...

I love the little yellow dress, so simple, but so beautiful. I'm hoping it'll be my little daughter wearing it.

Anonymous said...

amazing dress and AMAZING love from your blogosphere! we really do love you.

Claire Roach said...

I love reading your blog-you are both so talented and have such great taste and style. I'm officially coming out of lurkerville by entering this giveaway. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...if I don't win the dress I'd sure settle for the pattern! Can't tell you how much I've been inspired by your blog. Happy 1st anniversary!

naginata said...

Beautiful!! Thanks for the chance to win it! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the on going source of inspiration. Because of you both I will never look at my daughters wardrobe the same way!

Anonymous said...

I'm a newcomer. I love your creations and am wondering are they your own designs?

Happy Anniversary!!

Stephanie said...

My newly 5 year old daughter's favorite color is yellow! She would love this.

kmdegroot said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Aka that dress is adorable! My 18 month old would look great in it!

Shana said...

Beautiful dress! I'm so glad to have found your blog always something to inspire me (and in the spirit I've turned my sister-in-law onto it too!)

Jen said...

Oh my goodness a year already! This dress, like all the others, is gorgeous. I look forward to your posts every day. Congratulations ladies =)

sharleen.2cupsofcoffee said...

Yes, my little one would look too cute in this number. Love it.

DAve and JAnie said...

This is just my second time visiting your blog. Great designs, colors, and of course little people showing off the clothes so beautifully! Hope your second year of blogging is great!~Janie

Anonymous said...

how adorable! Thanks for the generous offering and congratulations on the anniversary!

Anonymous said...

OOOOhh!!! Happy Birthday to your blog! Giveaways are so much fun!!! Looks so cute!
God Bless,
Jennifer Christine

katdesigns said...

What a sweet little dress. I would definately like to be entered to win this. I love your blog. I visit it everyday to see what new and exciting thing you come up with next. Keep it up. Thanks

Rebecca said...

Happy Bloggy Day! I love your site.

Heather C. said...

Ohhhhhh! I'm in. I love your Flickr pages, too. Thanks gals.

teresa said...

I'm loving your clothing designs and getting the courage to try some for myself. Thanks for the inspiration!

Shannon said...

Happy Bloggy-Birthday! Thanks for the contest....


Anonymous said...

happy blog birthday! my baby's turning one too in a month so I hope I win the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

happy blog birthday! I hope I win the giveaway, my baby's also turning one in a month.

Anonymous said...

Oh definitely count me in for the giveaway! Such a lovely colour and simple style.

I'm fairly new to your blog so forgive me if this is answered elsewhere but do you sell the patterns for some of the clothes you make? I notice in your archives that sometimes you mention a commercial pattern but often not and some of your little girls' dresses are so lovely! I adore the simplicity of style - particularly in the shift dresses you do, the above being a perfect example.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the shirt! Congrats on the one year anniversary! I just started my blog on May 1, after reading so many wonderful other people's blogs. I have big plans to share on the blog as I have a box full of clothing patterns and a shelf full of fabric awaiting my time at the sewing machine!

Anonymous said...

I really love reading your blog. It is truly inspiring. And I love that sweet, little dress!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Please count me in! It's lovely.

Ashley said...

The clothes you make are gorgeous. I love stopping in to see what's new on your blog.

Happy blogiversary! I'd love to see that linen dress on my 18 month old this summer!

Anonymous said...

I have an adorable little princess who woudl make a fine new owner of that gorgeous dress!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations! HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!
I love this little dress! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Anonymous said...

Always an inspiration - both the creative sewing and your cross-country relationship. Wishing you happy days ahead.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the unfailing inspiration! I wish you another fantastic year!

Anonymous said...

I love the little dress. So cute. Really I enjoy all the clothes you both sew. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

mom2four said...

I love this dress. I love all of your clothes. Count me in. I will be crossing my fingers.

mom2four said...

I love this dress. I love all of your clothes. Count me in. I will be crossing my fingers.

Myshell said...

Ooooohhhhh...I find such inspiration here...

kim said...

would love to have the dress for the short one in my life!

Liz R. said...

L looked so cute in it on sunday! i'd love one for anna too ; )

Jamie said...

Your blog is so inspiring! Keep up the good work. The dress is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I know a Wudgie that would just love this dress!


Kelly said...

Happy Blog Birthday, I am such a huge fan! Cheers to another year! -kb

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Anniversary! You two have created such a lovely blog it's always a treat to see an update. That little dress is to die for!!

Larissa Holland said...

count me in. there's a five yr old sleeping downstairs who would love it. congratulations!

Stephanie said...

Wow, a piece of Sugar City right here in my home? Yes, count me in girls!

Brooke said...

It's blogs like yours that fill my well. Thanks for sharing your talents. (And a big extra thanks if I'm lucky enough to win!)

Eva said...

I just love giveaways! I also love sundresses and your blog. That is a high concentration of love in this little comment.

Amy-Alisa said...

My daughter wears nothing but dresses. She would love this!

Emily said...

Congrats to you (and me hopefully:)!

libbydibby said...

big hooray.
i know a little yellow fanatic who would love to be so graced.

Anonymous said...

Ooooohhh! I'd love to throw my name in the hat for that adorable dress! Great design and great blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday! Wishing you many more years of happiness and inspiration!

Anonymous said...

love your blog.... very inspiring. much continued success!

a farm wife said...

Happy first birthday, and congrats for keeping up the momentum. Your clothes are inspirational.

alexandra said...

189 comments! You guys are awesome. I love reading.

Anonymous said...

Enchanting, as always

Melissa said...

Happy blog anniversary! And what a lovely summer dress-- I promise to put it to good use, if it comes to live at my house. :)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog a few weeks ago, and going through your archive I´m really amazed at all the beautiful clothes you make. You are inspiring!

Thystle said...

So lovely! Now to find a little girl to wear it when win!

Wendy Marijnissen said...

Happy 1st blogbirthday girls. I totally adore your blog!
Makes me think of my sister and me, even though we don't have a blog, we only live about 40minutes apart, ..., but still.
The dress is stunning! like a lot of others you post in the blog. Very inspiring.
I'm def. in for the giveaway as well.
Good luck with future projects and another year of blogging.

Prue said...

Just look at the number of people who've come out of the woodwork! My daughter would love a sugar city journal to go with the homage to one of your designs that I made the other week!

Christie said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful sewing projects with us, I love reading your blog... & yes please I would love for that dress to arrive in the mail!

heather said...

I would LOVE to find that beautiful little dress in my mailbox! Oh, that I could be so lucky!

Congratulations on your first year...I'm so looking forward to the next one!

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