All you need is a bag full of interesting buttons, an old ugly lamp and lots of hot glue. An easy, satisfying summer project.

There the button lamp is in situ. Do you like the dear head? It's actually an antique pub sign. Anyone for some game pie or Welsh rarebit? We love English pub food.

This is where the seven-year old sits every morning for her ritual piano practice. And I sit next to her, with a jar of bribery skittles. Helping her focus is my daily patience exercise. Do any of you have any music-lesson bribery ideas?
I have nothing in the music lesson department but am going to try bribery Skittles. Apparently I'm just an ogre when it comes to practicing.
I didn't make my kids take lessons because I had hated mine as a kid. Then at the age of 14 my son picked up a guitar and is now going to college to study music. He attended a very prestigious music program in Boston last summer and is a professional level player. I never once had to ask him to practice.
Last year at 14 my daughter asked to take piano lessons. She plays everyday and it very good. I love listening to her play because she plays such enjoyable complex, recognizable pop and classical "hits". Again, I've never asked her to practice.
Both children play their instruments 1000 times better than I ever did with years of lessons.
Oh, I also got them a young, extremely funny teacher. Actually, my son found him on his own and they both love, love, love him.
Melissa, I love those pictures! And your deer head!
Have you thought about telling her that the deer likes to eat children who don't try their best?
Completely kidding. :)
I am jealous of anonymous! That is a great situation, to have kids who need no urging to practice. And I am saying that with sincerity, by the way. They must be naturally wonderful musicians. For us, it is not quite so natural; it takes a little work on my part to get my kids practicing. I think there is value in that, too, though, so I don't feel bad about sometimes being - ahem, strong in my encouragement at times. It's important to learn to do things that are good for you that you don't feel like doing and I think that it's ok for a parent to play that role.
Yes, I can't imagine having children who practice on their own. Now that I think of it, I took piano for a while, and my mom never asked me to practice...
so funny- my mom used to pay me in m&m's for each song i practiced on the piano- until one rolled off and chipped one of the keys. :(
M, I forgot to say that this room reminds me a lot of your last living room in summit - does it have an identical layout, with the fireplace right in the same spot? it is so pretty! and i adore the lamp!
Beautiful photos! My eleven years old daughter has her ritual piano practice after her breakfast, hot chocolate et des petits pains au lait, ou des croissants, ou des pains au chocolat :D
A luck for me she loves playing piano, she asked for these piano lessons :)
I like your buttons lamp!!! Gorgeous!
I was a horrible child when it came to practice. My mother would patiently sit with me while I sulked and was terribly terribly rude to her. I still blush to think of it. As a result I hesitated to start my girls learning music as I didn't want to be in a constant battle to force them to practice but also know that it is a discipline, and did not want them to embark on this journey and give up when it got hard. I gave in when they begged for nearly a year. So far they fight over whose turn it is and no 'encouragement' necessary, but it's early days. I know I will fail the patience test.
Great site very interesting read thank you…cheers Peter
Those buttons are terrific! They made a nice mosaic for the lamp. Great idea and this would surely inspire a lot of people out there.
Ah, that's too funny. I don't know anything better than lollies (candy). I still can't decide whether to force my kids to learn a musical instrument or not. When I was young, I was terrible at the violin, then cello, then piano...and then became a dancer. I don't think my parents or I got any enjoyment out of my practising those instruments. And I bet it drove the neighbours nuts. ;0)
I haven't thought of using buttons.. Real nice work.. I'm thinking of feathers to use but I don't think they're practical lol... Nice deer head btw
Here, I do not actually consider this will have success.
This can't truly have success, I suppose so.
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