The servant patterns are now up here, hooray! Melissa and I are separating the shops because it's a lot easier to keep track of all the boring business details from different coasts this way. So Melissa is the Sugar City Shop (in the village), and I'm the Sugar City Shop (in the woods).
So, speaking of servitude, tonight as I was cooking dinner the four-year old pulled a completely full gallon of milk from the fridge, and dropped it. I watched in slow motion the carton land and explode all over the floor. As I grabbed towels and started to wipe, the family dog happily lunged in to help lick up the trouble. The naked almost two-year old came in for a closer look and a little splashing, and the four year old began smearing the milk around with her bare feet (why not? so helpful). A swear unfortunately slipped from my mouth which I am 99% sure will be incorporated into the four-year old's kindergarten vocabulary this week. Adding to the fun, the seven-year old chose this moment to open the pantry door. No time like the present to rummage for a cookie, I suppose. A full box of Cheerios tipped off the upper shelf and cascaded over his head and body onto the floor (which is extra funny because he has a severe cereal phobia - he refuses to even sit at the table if someone has cereal on it as he insists the smell nauseates him).
I now reflect that before I had children, I never felt like I needed or even wanted to swear. Normal words were mostly sufficient for me. But these days sometimes even the best words are not enough. Good times.
*thanks for your orders! I'll get more printed for people who missed the first release.
I never swore until after I had kids.
Funny story.
Sounds like you could have had a ready made breakfast off the floor!
Very funny. And you told the story so sweetly (which makes it even funnier).
Can't remember how I found my way here, but your blog is fun and beautiful.
I know the feeling!
I never swore until after I had kids too, never.
Kids bring out the best in us?!@#
Know what?? I didn't swear before kids, either!! And all this time, I've been blaming the dh for that one! :p
If you are going to swear, that sounds like reeeeeaaaally good time to do it!
Yes, kids can definitely push us to our limit, that's for sure. Hilarious story, though. It's always easier to laugh about it after the fact.
Yes and by the way, I'm so excited about this pattern!
Oh, Lynne. I can only imagine the milk and cereal all over the floor. I'm sure a word (or two) would have squeaked by my lips, too.
Wow. I think my "driving words" might've come out, too--I did swear before kids (blushingly), but never had road rage. The oldest used to say, "Mommy! Don't use your driving words. You'll hurt feelings." Oh, the shame.
lynne - i really want the pattern for my 7 year old, but she wears a size 8. i'm a pretty good seamstress - do you think i can size it up easily?
Thanks for sharing this story! I sometimes lay in bed at night wishing I was a better Mother for the way I respond. Parenting is hard and it feel good to know that I am not a bad person when I lose my patience. We all have a challenging job.
What a disaster!
Sometimes it seems like we can never have enough towels in the kitchen.
I know what you mean. Many days I am so frustrated and currently I just have two kids. Really it's the two year old that I believe was sent here to make me realize I'm not as high and mighty as I once thought. Ugh. Not my screaming toddler reminds just how normal life really is.
My hubby bumped his toe and swore. Two weeks later he hurt himself again but only grumbled. Guess who swore for him? My 5-year old!
Where do you think sailors learned from...Yup!! Their mothers!!!
Hang in there. Trsut me...we have had much worse!!! Cereal Phobia Huh!? I would not have picked that for your 7 year old!!!
Only kids can push you over the edge. Someday the story of the spilling milk and cereal might be one of their favorites. Better to laugh about it if you can.
Thank you for sharing this story. I've had things like this happen to me too, and while it is happening, you are thinking, "Aww, man! What else could go wrong?" Yup, that's when it starts snowballing, and I've found myself sometimes just sitting down and wondering whether or not to laugh or cry. I usually end up doing both! On another note, I am beyond thrilled to have the chance to buy the servant dress pattern. I've been stalking the site forever now, in anticipation, and imagine my happiness when I clicked on you guys this morning and saw it up in the shop! So, all in all, your story and the dress pattern have brightened my day. Thank you two so much for sharing your talent and wonderful stories.
Swearing happens, and yeah they easily incorporated and use their new words like any other word. The cheerios...I think they smell like yeast, I can't stand that smell.
Funny story. We can all relate. Nice to be able to relay events like this to others though, especially in a silly way - somehow makes it okay.
Haha. I laugh, because I see myself in your post. This sounds like my household, every mealtime.
PS. I just had a potty training 18 month old squoosh an over ripe plum into my lap.
Good times indeed.
it's as if you were a fly on the wall in our kitchen this morning.
oh that scene is totally making me laugh, i could so see that playing out at our house. and yes, it totally merits a swear word.
This is exactly how I have been feeling lately!
Within a two week time span, Brave has had 6 poopy accidents in her crib with poop juice everywhere! Then, the one day she doesn't, True does!!! My hands are tired from tying and untying the darn crib bumper!
Now, despite all this, I wouldn't trade this job in for anything... but yes, a word or two will escape from my lips!
I think I don't swear,(unless, you count "crap" as swearing -- my kids say it's swearing,) but I do yell and rage, but only when I'm REALLY pushed past my limit -- which, sadly, seems to happen about 3 times a day. I was thinking yesterday that maybe I could break the yelling habit (I really don't want to rage at these sweet children entrusted to me by Heavenly Father) if I offered the kids $5 every time I yelled. Then I thought maybe I would make it that they'd only get the money if I didn't correct myself and apologize immediately. But then I was thinking I still might go broke.
(But then, maybe I could start charging *them* for every time they didn't listen or do what they were supposed to, and also if they whined or complained -- then *I'd* be the rich one.)
Loved your story. Glad I didn't have to clean up the milk and cereal.
milk, eggs and sugar are the worst. Good thing the dog was there. Great story!
Ooooh! I am so excited to get my pattern! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
you were definately experiencing motherhood in the fullest. a story blog worthy....
oh I could picture your escapade in very detail. Can I say I laughed out loud?
Swearing...such fun to say in place of oh darn! Tammy's comment was spot on!!
i too never swore until I had kids.
LOL that is hilarious!! I can imagine the whole scene unfolding in my mind!
I can't believe I missed this pattern....I'll be checking many times daily to order before it is gone again. I bought the village frock and I am so excited to make this future purchase. Is this the 2nd pattern that you have made to sale or have you sold others that I am not aware of. You have a beautiful talent and gift...thanks for sharing!
my person opinion is that I will not be judged by words I am thinking when it's someone else's fault entirely that I am thinking them. right? right?
I laughed so hard reading your story! Has the word been repeated yet? Thanks for the pattern, can't wait to get it!!
I never swore before kids either. Absolutely great story!!
Lynne- I'm so sorry! what a bad moment, but it's good to smile about now (later). This happened to me just about a week ago, too! -BETH
Ahhh! what a relief that our r.s. president lets it slip too. I feel so much better.
I am curious which swear word came out of your mouth? I just keep saying "for the love...." over and over lately. We had a milk (and a honey) incident as well this last week that almost sent me over the edge.
I now feel completely justified in spending a lot of money sending my kids to full time private preschool. At least they will have happy memories of there mom at home:)
You don't know me, but my mom told me to read your blog. I'm glad I did, I got a good laugh and was snoopy and enjoyed the comments too. :)
I can relate!
darn me! missed it... maybe the next time around!
the sisters look so cute!
What do you mean, "after kids"? What about well intentioned husbands? Maybe "a bull in a china shop"?
i hear ya, sister! after a weekend away to work my cousin's wedding and "recharge," my darling 3-year-old has heard the "d" word from my lips no less than 3 times this week. he has literally never heard me swear before. i think i just shoved myself off of any pedestal i might've been on. it was bound to happen sometime, right? thanks for the laugh! -bess :)
We had a milk spill/swear word scene today only I was on the phone with my mother-in-law.
Thankfully, she is a gracious woman and my son doesn't use many words yet.
I love this story! I've never heard of a cereal phobia, but I feel for the poor thing being showered with it. So funny. Thanks for this.
I had to convince Andrew that I had said "damage!" and then modify his statement accordingly. It happens.
hee hee hee... oh the fun we have as mothers!!!
Dear Lynne and Melissa, I read you are separating shops between the wood and the village, so i went to the Wood shop thanks to the link on your website. Is there a link to the Village from the Wood Shop? And is there a link to the Wood from the Village? Because i could not find it. i thought maybe it would be helpful for you to know...
It feels like little red riding hood lost in the woods with no tracks at all to follow!
I had a kilo of honey incident last week from Coco (2yrs). My wasn't my kitchen a sticky mess!!! #%#!!! Thank god for dogs, they should give you a dog to clean up mess when you have a baby.If you don't already have one,...go buy one!
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