Our second printing of the village frock pattern has sold out. We printed our pattern initially in a more conservative quantity (i.e. not 1000 to begin with!) to make sure we could sell them. And we did! Thank you for all of your orders. If you were unable to order a pattern and are interested in doing so, send us an e-mail and we may do another printing. Happy sewing!
Thank you for getting more out so quickly. Cannot wait. xoxo
Yeah! I got one this time! I can't wait to get the pattern & get sewing!
I got my pattern in the mail last night. Wow, what an impact it's beauty made. My husband came in with a big smile on his face and handed it to me. I haven't been that excited to open a package since I was a kid at Christmas! Can't wait for the next one!
Yay! I got one! I can't wait to add the Servant frock to it! Thank you so very much for sharing!
Thanks from me too, I can't wait to get sewing on it!
Too late again!
I'm confused by how you can reprint so quickly and then run out so fast? It's driving me crazy!
Oh I'd still like to order one!
Maybe you can offer a PDF file that people can download. Then they could go to the local printer and have sized up.
I would love to get the pattern (I'm from Finland) - I missed this time, maybe you'll have more! :)
I got my pattern two days ago and just finished our first dress. It turned out perfectly! Thanks again!
I would love to buy this pattern and I also love the dress in small. Is that a pattern that you sell as well.
I would love to buy this pattern and I also love the dress in small. Is that a pattern that you sell as well.
I missed out too! I would really like to order this pattern.
i heard that from sister millar!! good job!!
Sold out again! I'm so very happy that I got one the second time around. Be prepared with the servant frock. It will go just as fast, so I hope you guys are printing a ton, with me wanting one pretty badly! I am so happy for you to be doing so well! I can't imagine how exciting this must be for you all!!
lynne and melissa! congratulations! so fun to see them going like hot cakes!
I really, really, REALLY want one of these patterns! Pretty please, will you make more for us? Cheers!
I can't believe I missed it again! More, please?
Oh DRAT! I can't believe I missed this one too! Pleasepleaseplease do another printing? Pretty please?
How can I be sure not to miss it? Please help!
I'm waiting for the adult version!! ;)
No way - I missed it again? I have been looking in the shop several times, and it has been sold out each time... I would definitely like to buy one!
missed it again. sad for me :(
please reprint!
Oh, I would love this pattern. Please print more!
I just came upon your blog from another blogger. What a lovely dress! I would love to purchase the pattern should you print again.
Yes, Please print more.
Id like one please
I would get one if you printed more.
oh, please please print more. I've had my eye on these dresses for weeks - and I was offline on vacation as you published. Who needs vacation anyway!?
Have mercy and print again for a desperate norwegian in search of late night activity as the winter dark closes in. Yes?
i would love to get one if you printed more!
I would be just thrilled if you'd print more! And I'd love an adult version, too.
hello i would really like to have this pattern! my daughter is six and only wears dresses. i think she would find this a beautiful favorite! thank you!!!
Missy, I want to buy a pattern.
I would also love to buy your beautiful pattern!
NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO please tell me you will relist...more. I LOVE this dress so very very much. I dream about it. Oh man....I am soooo bummed I missed it. :)
I would like one too!
so too late! but can you still print me one?!
I've finished and have to say you girls rock. The pattern and instructions are superb, because you made me look gooood. Thanks. xoxo
I've just found this dress and was so excited because my d year old only wears dress and this would be right is her alley. Please do reprint! It would be ever so lovely.
A PDF file would be equally loved. That was we could size it to whatever size we need. Just a thought. Congratulations on doing so well!
Please do another printing, I'd love to buy this pattern!
I'd be interested if you make another printing. And a pdf-file to print at home or in a copy shop would be great, like burdastyle or m-sewing do. And it'd never sell out!
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