
a village frock variation

I spent much of the weekend cleaning out my kid's rooms. Some of the interesting finds: a half-eaten can of mandarin oranges in my son's drawer, a rotten apple core under his bed, and lots and lots of whittling shavings under the sheets (I guess he's been whittling in bed at night by lamplight.) In the sister's room I found a huge stash of money, buried under some scraps of paper and old broken tea-cup parts. She always seems to be traveling somewhere in her imaginary worlds--some distant place with beautiful, though high-maintenance, spa-going princesses and greedy ogres. I guess it's no wonder she needs all this money.


Anonymous said...

That is such a funny story! I love this variation on the village frock. I'll have to try it out.

Unknown said...

i love that he's been whittling! it's like a little piece of the 19th century going on, right in your house!

i adore the village frock in shirt form!

paula said...

i love the top. not too long ago i found a sippy cup of milk from who knows when. i just had to toss it in the trash.

trash said...

A girl should always keep lots of cash to hand. She never knows when she may have to buy her way out of trouble ;-)

Anonymous said...

Loved the frock, love the top!

Anonymous said...

Your cleaning story is really cute. I wonder what would happen is we stop cleaning their rooms for longer periods of time. What would we find. My five year old girl collects pine cones and sometimes twigs in her closet...

Prue said...

Slightly related to cleaning rooms: I'm always amused when something weird goes through the wash in my son's pockets. We've had plenty of very clean rocks in our house.

Anonymous said...

Such a funny story. And I love the shirt version too.

Anonymous said...

Your little top, is really wonderful ! J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais ! blouses, robes... C'est vraiment magnifique !

Kari said...

I LOVE the village frock with short sleeves. You gotta wonder where they "earn" all that money. I caught my daughter with a $20 dollar bill, hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

*laughs* Sounds like me at that age! When are you going to offer the Village Frock in my size? Seriously, though, I adore that pattern. Very cute variation!

Bek said...

Love this little top. And those shoes.

Terra said...

So cute! My kids rooms are the same. Always scared what I will find. Those shoes are the best. Would love to know what brand they are, always on the look out for the perfect little girl shoes for my little one.

Bethany said...

ha! She may be a writer when she grows up! I want a grown up version of this top!!!

melissa said...

The shoes I bought years ago at Daffy's. They are made by Primigi.