
An Ode to Jenny Fowler + her Scissors

Even though our tiny youngest baby is now a strapping two year old, I feel like she was just born. Mothering three children has made life a sweet blur for me, a fact reflected in the state of our laundry, my now absent ability to recall most things, and our walls -- covered in pictures of the two older kids, and barely none of the baby.

I remember spending a Thanksgiving with my dear friend Emily, her family, and her trampoline in Boise, Idaho my junior year in college. Emily is # 5 of 9 kids and as she was showing me her family photos, we both noticed that in many of the pictures her younger brother had his (always OP-esque) shorts on backwards. At the time I laughed my head off. Now I nod somberly, thinking that even though my brood of small people is a mere one third the size of the Gardner clan it is truly a feat for any of the people I'm responsible for to leave the house with matching shoes. Who's laughing now?

So I felt very good about splurging (a quite reasonable splurge, actually) on this amazing silhouette of my youngest, done by Jenny Lee Fowler. Look, baby! You'll finally be on a wall! Jenny is a wonderful artist and I love, love, love everything in her shop. Especially check out the silhouettes cut on leaves...


  1. I love the silhouette! And I agree with you 100% - you have to learn how to delegate when you have kids or you will go crazy.


  2. My youngest of three is also nearing age 2. I would have another if my husband would let me...
    I have a question on the village frock pattern:
    How can I find the measurements of the size 6? I want to make one for my size 7 daughter and wondered if they ran 'big' or if I might adjust the pattern a bit
    Thanks - Zana

  3. The silhouette is lovely, and so is the girl it belongs too. My mother's first comment about our new house was that there weren't any pictures of baby #3 anywhere, even though she was almost 7 months old. I think we didn't print any pictures of her until she was almost a year old and then poor Shutterfly had to mail us over 500 pictures.

  4. what a wonderful etsy find — her silhouettes are beautiful. i'm a lurker to your blog and love both of your work — such gorgeous clothes and such an inspiration!

  5. Love the silhouette! Yes, being a mother to many is hard, but so worth it! Hey! And being able to recall things is waaaaaaaaaaaay over-rated! (So are matching shoes or socks!)

  6. Yes the laundry pile is something else. I can never seem to get to the bottom of it. Thanks for sharing Jenny's work with us. It's amazing!

  7. matching socks is something that has escaped me ever since my boys started wearing them... Love the leaf silhouttes, you're right, they're amazing. Come visit me and see my stairs. dunno that I'd have had the courage if I hadn't seen your post. thanks for the inspiration, I'm soooo happy with them!

  8. My mom just told the story at Thanksgiving of when she was little (there were four of them...boy, girl and then a set of twins!). She said my Grandma was walking down the driveway with them on a school morning and she just broke out in laughter. Puzzled, the kids looked at her, wondering why she was laughing so hard. In her haste, she had put on two skirts that morning! This was very funny as my Grandma was always dressed well and always conducted herself as a lady. Even the women who seem to always have it pulled together, really don't!

  9. I remember you once saying that you felt like you could literally do laundry all day --that there was that much of it. I now understand what you mean.

    As for kids, a lot of mismatching is just fine. I have found, though, that I ahve actually gotten better about taking photos of #2 than I was of my first, but I think that is just bc I was so overwhelmed with Andrew that I forgot about such things.

    Anyway, I love the silhouette. I ahd to copy the spelling of that word from Lauren't comment. I can no longer spell for some reason.

  10. So fun to hear all these stories. & thank you for the lovely post.

    I remember sitting in music class (even with my first) and marveling at how some mother had managed to outfit her daughter with little white socks, the word Wednesday embossed on each one, and it was-- Wednesday. It felt like a miracle. And it is miraculous work that we all do every day.

  11. What you wrote resonated so strongly with me. Really, that is my very same situation in a nutshell! As a matter of fact, I had a silhouette made of my third little guy for the very same reason. I love seeing his perfect little profile hanging in a special spot even though his brothers hold court pretty much over the entire house! Enjoy your lovely memento.

    I had my silhouette done by some local to me ladies. They have a cute site if you're interested- beegoodstudio.com

    You and your SIL are insanely talented! :0)

  12. Just had to comment as I'm a Boisean. Love your blog...thank you for regular and consistent inspiration! :)

  13. What amazing work! Thank you for telling us about her!

  14. Love silhouettes -- I will check her site out!!


  15. ohh my...is it possible to feel the same way and only have one child?? if it is....i'm living it! this is a gorgeous silhoutte!!! very beautiful work. i made some a little while back. http://kennedyandfriends.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/10/a-familia.html

    i made while ignoring my laundry pile. lol!!! don't we all have it at some point or another???
