
Wallpaper at last

Finally we wallpapered our little family room nook! I love my mini-forest.

If you haven't had a chance to read a little bit about the new Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act, click on the Save Handmade button to the right. The effects of this law (while I totally get the need for safety) sound absolutely devastating to our ability to make choices as consumers. It makes me feel like the marketplace for children's items after February 10 will be stricken down to Walmart and Target. What a depressing thought! Am I blowing this out of proportion? I hope so. What do you think? Please share some optimism with me...


  1. Oh, that is my favorite. I do believe I am green with envy! :)

  2. I've been having a conversation with the aide for my Senator and he has a meeting with the subcommittee of the Energy & Commerce Committee (who are responsible for this law) this week. I have made sure to bring as much information to them as possible. When I called at the end of December they were wholly unaware of the issue. I'm hoping to hear something this week about possible amendments to the CSPA law. I'm also signing everything I can to keep the issue in front of people.
    I LOVE your blog and that wallpaper is great! I am looking forward to making more of your clothes as the patterns become available. :)

  3. Naginata - how wonderful, how proactive you are being!! I emailed my senator and congressman but I never thought about making an actual phone call. That's probably even better - I'll do it!

  4. My dear friend works 'on the hill' and said that calling your Senator is A BILLION times better for getting your voice heard ... they put these 'on the top of the pile' so to speak

  5. Your not blowing it out of proportion, and remember as its written it affects all products made for children, so that includes clothes.

  6. I'm curious as to what effect that will have on the etsy seller? and handmade items in general... I don't think you are blowing this thing out.. It does need to be taken care of. Thank you for blogging about it.

    Nice wallpaper!

  7. It seems it will affect anyone who makes things for children, big and small, Walmart, Target, Etsy, Ebay. Here is a link Fashion Incubator blog. There are several articles about this new regulation.

  8. the entertainment nook looks great! i really like the forest of trees.

  9. my friend has this in her house, just LOVE It. Please tell my husband wallpaper is sooo back. He will NOT have it and I am in love.

  10. Definitely not blowing it out of proportion. Right now, it's awful. Handmade Toy Alliance has a lot going on, there's also a google group for it. Fashion incubator has some good info and the forums on Etsy are very actively discussing it. So far I've emailed all my representatives and then called them all. I've sent a handmade item to Bobby Rush, head of the commerce committee and spammed as many places as possible. You can vote for the issue at change.org The top ten issues get presented to President Obama after his inauguration. There's also a facebook community and a few petitions going around.

  11. Love your wallpaper. You go girl!

  12. One of my biggest concerns, besides of course not being able to purchase anything handmade for my children, is the effect that this will have on children's books. They too will have to be tested for lead. We buy most of our books used(as many as possible) and this will put an end to purchases anything over a year old! BTW Wallpaper is wonderful!

  13. Oh the wallpaper is perfect. What better way to watch t.v. than in a little faux forest. It's a bit anachronistic I suppose, but definitely full of charm!

  14. it looks amazing, amazing, amazing...and i love the butterflies and the moss jar and your books. perfection.

    Yes the CSPA law is totally freaking me out too. I've signed a couple of petitions...hopefully lawmakers will come to their senses.

  15. Is this what you were wallpapering when we were on the phone? It looks fabulous!


  16. that looks absolutely smashing! i love it and am so jealous!!! enjoy... oh, i know you will!

  17. I love this wallpaper and must admit that I am after some for a section of my hall wall... Or the design with the bookshelves or the cow parsley. I wish they sold 1/2 rolls... I need to control my would be wallpapering frenzy.

    And although these new laws may not effect us in AUS, they will effect perhaps what we sell into the US via Etsy. What a shame. What a real shame...

  18. Lovely wallpaper.

    Have to admit I'm pretty blown away by what's going on in the US atm. It just seems so crazy to me - although I then have to wonder how long until the UK government want to follow...

    Absolutely bonkers.

  19. Yes, the handmade issue is bothering me. I would rather that my child have a unique gift that was made with great care and artistry than a mass produced plastic toy. I've also placed the "Save Handmade" link on my blog, to spread the word.

  20. hi,
    this wallpaper is great, wonderful.
    Am i allowed to ask where do you got it from? or from which label it comes?
    thank you so much, eva

  21. Lynne! I love the wallpaper!! Such a sweet little touch of the outdoors in your home.

    Very scary thought about the handmade issue... hoping that nothing drastic happens.

  22. Ok, let me just say I am in looooooooooovvee with this. I loved it when you first posted about it and I especially adore the minimalist little nook it enlivens! When we move to our "final" house, I am SO using it. I don't even care if I copy you because it is just too beautiful and awesome!

  23. Thank you so much!

    The wallpaper is called "Woods" and made by Cole & Sons. A great source for buying it is www.discountdecorator.com.

  24. i live in the uk and as far as i know this isn't something that they are planning to do over here (i will check that out though). i spend a lot of time looking at various blogs and seeing all the amazing things that people make. it would be a great shame if this came into force.
    i too am all for child safety (who isn't?)but i love to buy my children unique gifts rather than the same mass produced stuff that everyone seems to have.
    i wish you and all the other campaigners all the best x

  25. Love the wallpaper, it makes that nook so special.

  26. I've seen this wall paper on other peoples blogs,and I always love the look of it. It looks great in your little nook! I agree with you on the handmade issue. Leave it to us Americans to blow something like handmade items for children out of proportion! Something similar happened to us with the "Homeland Security" when it went into effect. We were moving back to the States from France,when in that same week we were preparing to ship our things back,we get a call saying that we cannot ship all the wine we bought into the U.S. Please tell me how bottles of wine have an impact on the security of the United States???? I really hope this handmade issue gets resolved,because that would be terrible for everyone making all the lovely things out there in craft land!

  27. Our newspaper reported about it's effects on the Amish community here and their handmade toys. I was happy to see the issue on the front page... I think that there is a much bigger noise about this than we realized!
    I showed Craig the wallpaper... we love it!!!! I did look it up the last time you posted about it and now I covet it!!! ;)

  28. I, for one, am a bit confused and unsure as to how the CSPC is going to be able to enforce this little gem of a regulation. Another example of knee-jerk overreaction. This is a good example of why the average 7 year journey of a bill becoming law is not necessarily a bad thing!...

  29. i think it is ridiculous and am glad that you are giving it some attention.

    Poor thrift stores (and thrift store shoppers like me) who will have to throw away all of their children's items that cannot prove they do not contain lead.

  30. this is what my friend Jos has- love it.

  31. also- I am so depressed about this act. My shop (little alouette) may have to close and I will cry buckets. I had emailed you guys bc I love what yr doing too and don't want to see anything happen to yr buisness- It is so scary! Cool Mom Picks has a great page about it all xo
