
christmas merriment

Today we will have a little tour of our life in our house during Christmas vacation. I cleaned this table off just for this picture, so I hope you fully enjoy it.

I like making these sugar scenes each year, but as I look at this picture I realize it looks like one of the dwarves is attacking the other with a shovel. Merry Christmas!

This year we made it all the way to December 22 before the advent calendar was stripped of the delicious jelly wreaths. I think last year they were all gone by the 16th - could it be that my children are learning self-control?

I love how my 8 year old little boy wraps with binder paper. For some reason that just really warms my heart. Also, the 6 year old has been wrapping all kinds of books from our family bookshelves and who knows what else. She reminds me a lot of Aunt Edna from Christmas Vacation. I'm wondering if on Christmas morning we might find the dead, wrapped carcass of our neighbor's guinea pig.

This is the kind of thing that happens around here when the kids are not entertained by their school teachers at school: animal torture. Poor Calvin. So humiliating. Those are ballerina skirts. And a tiara (which you can't see from this angle).

Graham cracker frosting houses. It doesn't really get any fancier than that around here.

Time to make treats for friends and neighbors... these apple hand pies were fun to make. My leg went numb while I was making them. Who am I kidding, my leg is numb all the time now (final weeks of pregnancy fun).

Have a wonderful holiday! Stay safe and warm!


sarah said...

wow what a lovely house! I find it incredible that you find the time to make it so beautiful and you have kids, pets and are heavily pregnant! Congratulations on that!

thanks for clearing the table, i appreciate it totally!

Merry christmas!

tammy said...

We'll miss you this Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

This was fabulous. Thank you for letting us in to your home. I'm digging the sense of merriment in the actions and your narration(the tutu, the dwarf, the wrapped books from the bookshelf). It sounds like a very fun as well as beautiful home. Hope you have a fabulous one.

ps. Stopped by today to look at open house posts as am in such of a paint color for my living room. This was much better. Thank you.

pps. Be gone leg numbness. I didn't like that or the jerky leg movements during pregnancy one bit.

melissa said...

I wish I could come and enjoy all the beautiful Christmas cheer with you. Poor Calvin. I'm sure that he secretly likes the attention...

melissa said...

P.S. All of our advent calender was eaten by day 16 this year!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the photos - especially the chalkboard paint. That is on my list, if only I can get the husband on board.

Sunni said...

Love the sugar globe. I love that idea of wrapping things you already have to put under the tree. Christmas should be just as silly as it is magical.

erika said...

thanks for the little tour,your house looks so lovely and i can almost smell those lovely apple pies :-)
Hope you have a lovely christmas time with your family!!

Unknown said...

Kelly and kelly - the best way to get the husband on board of the chalkboard paint is to do the project while he isn't home. Then he will come home and feel so happy that you did such a great project and that he didn't need to help. :)

Joslyn said...

those sugar scenes are brilliant...
my girlies have been wrapping things we already own to put under the tree too. The other day, she let me open "my wallet" as an early christmas gift.

so nice of her ;-)

merry christmas friends!

Beth's Blue Blog said...

thanks for the tour! i hope you had a merry christmas. the hand pies looked like they turned out really well! and your interpretation of the dwarf scene is very funny. :)

Rubyellen said...

can i please have that chalkboard door?!! :)

heather said...

I adore the lace chandelier above the table. Did you make it?

And very nice, clean table. Fully appreciated.:)

Unknown said...

Hi Heather - the chandelier above the table is made by Roost, purchased from Velocity online. We love it!

Unknown said...

This is so funny! You should write a book!

Unknown said...

it seems that you have a perfect life. Thank god. this reminds me of a greece love story on how people value love and family over anything else..

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