
fun with chalkboard paint

This week I feel like the Christmas Season can really begin in our house, since last Monday I got a root canal and the week was spent mostly with me moaning around the house, clutching my cheek, practicing labor breathing for pain management since you can't take a lot of painkillers when you are pregnant (labor breathing in this situation, by the way, very ineffective, at least the way I was doing it).

But now, let the fun begin! One thing on our to-do list is to come up with a great service project for our kids to be involved with before Christmas. Donating money is important, but they are getting old enough that I want to do something that will involve them, and give them a memory that might help to better define the real meaning of Christmas, you know? Any great ideas?


  1. I have a friend that keeps Micky Dee's gift certificates in her car this time of year. When she sees someone with a "Will Work" sign, she passes along a few to them.

  2. You could "adopt a family" the week before Christmas. Door bell ditch treats, gifts, etc. stay anonymous if possible.
    We try and do it every year with the kids. It becomes our "special secret".

  3. PS - This year, since we will be down south with our family. My mom has arranged a neat family service project with injured soldiers in the LA military hospital. We made quilt squares over Thanksgiving and for Christmas we are delivering quilts and toys to the families in the hospital. I'm sure there are local military families you could give some love to!

  4. last year we joined up with my genius friend Amy and decorated loads of sugar cookies and then on Christmas eve we went to an assisted living home and caroled + passed out the cookies. the residents loved it.

    it's fun to do with several families.

  5. Maybe have them pick out some fabrics for some Project Linus blankets? They could write sweet thoughts or draw pictures for the babies and you could embroider over their lines.

    Or, have you heard of The Toy Society?

    I love that you're doing this. I took my girls shopping for a family that we adopted and I think it was a real eye-opener that this family had coats, shoes and toiletries on their list instead of toys...

  6. So sorry about the toothache. Totally been there and done that and had a huge bruise on my cheek which was at its worst on my wedding day. I have a very musical background and caroling to anyone and everyone on the back of a hay bale truck was wonderful for others and such a treat for all the kids my family. Loved, loved, loved it.

  7. Yes I think some service projects would be great for my kids too. I love your photos! I hope you're feeling better!

  8. We stand at the salvation army kettle. you do not have to belong to participate. My 6 year old loves singing, wishing people merry christmas and ringing bells.

  9. Our daughter is almost three and while she watches very little to no tv and we hadn't introduced her to Santa, she has been thoroughly introduced/indoctrinated at preschool. While she has been told at preschool that all good little children get presents from Santa we've shared that Santa actually needs a little help. That he doesn't get to everyone and we can help him with a few. She will be picking out some toys to go in the Toys for Tots box at my work.

    I love the idea of the door bell ditch and the assisted living visits suggested by Leslie and Joslyn. I just have to identify a doorbell ditch victim, hmmmmmm. Perhaps an elderly neighbour? I'm going to talk with the neighbourhood association about this.

    Finally, as secret cake mentions the need for basic toiletries and sanitary items including diapers cannot be underestimated. Check out http://helpamotherout.org they have some info about this.

    May this season and the new year be full of joy, health and happiness. Be gone oh root canal pain.

  10. Your kids look like they are having so much fun. You are SOO creative. I hope your mouth feels better:)

