
Katie's house

Whenever I visit my older sister Katie, I am consumed by a desire to go back to my house and (a) paint my walls the exact same shades as hers and (2) throw away my junk - Katie's house is always so clean (but still warm. And not in the hot, humid Virginia sense of the word). It calms my hyper self down to spend time there, enjoying her thoughtful little corners (and perfect light fixtures).

(mobile by Roost. So pretty.)

(thoughtful quotes. And I love my sister's handwriting)

(I really want to plop down on that bed. It smelled so good in her guest room - like clean linens and fresh flowers.)


  1. Beautiful home! Where is that last quote from?

  2. Yes, I would agree Katie's house is a calm and serene haven. You lucky Lynne to be able to be in Virginia! I can't wait to see you! and Katie!

  3. I feel more peaceful and calm just looking at the pictures! Can I book a weekend away there?

  4. so beautiful. you're so lucky to have so many great women in your life :)

  5. so pretty! i love the books tied up with twine...


  6. I'm with you on the wall colors. Is she willing to share their names? Simply beautiful!

  7. Her house looks so peaceful. I could use some of that right now.

  8. Wow, this house is crazily clean and very beautiful. I am hopeless at that understated elegance. I love your blog very much (not a stalker). If you wouldn't mind letting me know your opinion, if you have time of course, in relation to the bit about creepy blog stalkers, do you think it is dangerous to put photos of one's kids nude (from behind only) on one's blog? And sorry for that long sentence. ;0) Catherine.

  9. i so agree. everytime i left her house i had to go home and declutter!! tell her rebecca hemsley says hi!

  10. Hey Lynne, ooh wee, I feel a bit special that there was a surprise comment from a Sugar City gal on my lowly amateur blog! Thanks for taking the time ;0). Do you know, your blog was the first I ever saw, before I'd even heard of blogs, and I loved it so much that I started my own. Your sewing is absolutely - and I don't say this lightly - exquisite! I only wish I had a girl. But I try my best for my mostly ungrateful boys. Thanks again xx ;0)

  11. What beautiful inspiration! After moving my studio home, I feel like the house is bursting with stuff and this is just what I needed to inspire me to clean out things. I've missed you two a lot!!! xo

  12. thanks for sharing, nice pics and warm place to live

  13. wow.
    yes, her house is stunning.


  14. Lynne...this reminds me of your house!!!

  15. I LOVE Katie's house. You need to have her make a full post just on paint colors. Details PLEASE:)


  16. I second that. Paint colors please :) They are beautiful!!!

  17. What a gorgeous home! It's amazing...totally out of a magazine.
