
Rip the Page Giveaway!

Hello! Do you remember Rip the Page, Karen Benke's great book I posted about a bit ago? The kind people at Shambhala would like to give a copy away to a lucky reader. If you are interested (and you should be! This is the coolest book. Perfect to have in your arsenal for those long vacation car rides) just leave a little comment. I'd like to hear about the best book you've read this summer (aren't we always looking for a good book? Right now I'm loving Heroes of History, by Will Durant). I'll close the giveaway on Wednesday.

Speaking of books, did you happen to see this David Brooks article in the New York Times? I love that someone out there is researching the value of reading from actual books. (And it makes me wonder: can I now justify buying those beautiful new Penguin classics for our family library?)



  1. This book looks great! When I saw Patricia Pollaco's name in the list of contributing authors I knew I needed to enter! Her picture books are some of my family's favorites.

  2. Considering it is winter here, I would like to hope that I can re-start and finish "love in a cold climate" this summer.... ahh to sit in the sun on my decking with the little ones playing lovingly on the grass ....


  3. I know I've read some good adult books this summer, but what I really enjoyed was reading "James and the Giant Peach" with my four-year-old daughter.

    P.S. Thank you for posting that great book list a while back—it's been shared and bookmarked!

  4. I would love to read this book! My daughter wanted me to read some SF this summer (she is 19) so I am reading the first in the series by her favoriate Robert Jordan. So she needs to read one of my favorites - The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir R. Conan Doyle.
    Fun to do - Thanks for the chance to win. Colleen

  5. I have been reading Michael Gurian's The Wonder of Girls this week. It addresses the neurobiology of adolescents; something different and I'm learning lots!

  6. I am devouring, "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott - love it.

  7. We have been waiting for this book since your blog post about it.

    I have just finished Random Family, very heavy, very heartbreaking, so we are really ready for the fun contents of this new book.

    Thanks, Happy Summer.

  8. I have three books that I've started, but am far from finishing any of them:

    Cocktails for Three, Cooking by the Garden Calendar, and Mindless Eating.

    We leave for vacation in a week. That's usually when I get all my reading done for the year. I'm just too busy the rest of the year.

  9. This book looks perfect for my origami-obsessed 9 yr old. We've been reading about Frank Lloyd Wright together this summer and building structures out of paper. Thank you for inspiring posts.

  10. I read 'The Happiness Project' which, if nothing else, was thought provoking.

  11. Rip the Page sounds fabulous, and we are leaving on a car trip in a just a few weeks!

  12. Very cool! I am going to be in the car going from one end of California to the other in a few weeks.. This would be a good book to have!

  13. Yesssss!! I would love this--how fun! I'm reading "S**t my dad says" by Justin Halpern. A lot of language, but it is hysterical!!


  14. Great article.. good incentive to finally unpack all our books from our move (over two years ago!)

    I just finished Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth, and loved it. I was so sad to see it end. Now I'm totally engrossed in Isabel Allende's Paula. So so good.

  15. Ooh, that looks so cool! Eeee, pick me!

    Although we're in the middle of a move and I'm not reading too much, I did sneak in A Year in Provence and now I'm finally going to finish Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose (if I can locate which box it's in).

  16. I have been curious about this book since you previewed it earlier. I have enjoyed reading the Percy Jackson books...I try to read everything my kids do.

  17. I'm reading The 21 Balloons to my kids, my husband already finished it and said it was a fun read. It's also a Newberry Medal winner from 1948 which I didn't know when I bought it. Also just picked up Masterpiece by Elise Broach and The Name of this Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch which my 15 year old is reading at the moment.

    Thanks for the link to the article, I was just talking to my friends who are professors about the disturbing trend of getting rid of books in university libraries! what?

  18. We've been reading an old classic...the first volume of "The Famous Five" by Enid Blyton. I was surprised how absorbed my children got in the details of the story.

  19. I can't wait for this book to come out. We are reading Journey to the Ants together as a family this summer. It so wonderful to read together.

  20. I'm reading Harry Potter every night to my two boys. I'm enjoying re-reading them because I skimmed them when they first came out. I was too busy with my babies then!

  21. Wow! Great opportunity. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of this book for my kids and would love to win it here!

    And by the way, I've purchased & read a good number of the penguin classic cloth bound books. They are unabridged (love the 'mispellings') and there is a lot of footnoted scholarly research included which I really enjoy referencing as I read. -a very good investment.

  22. I read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. It's a murder mystery with an 11 year old as the heroine. So hilarious and wonderful! It's by Alan Bradley.

  23. Such a wonderful giveaway.
    Right now I am reading "A homemade life" from Lolly Wizenberg and intend to read Pippi Longstocking with my daughter during our august vacations.

  24. What a fun book! :) It looks very inspiring! thanks!

  25. I just finished reading We Were The Mulvaney's and found it heartrendingly beautiful. Joyce Carol Oates is now going to be a permanent fixture on my radar for new books. It's hard to find time to read with so many great hobbies and family activities going on, but a good book in black and white cannot be replaced.

  26. Ah, I just finished City Farm by Novella Carpenter. It makes me want to move to the ghetto and raise some pigs. Seriously.

  27. I would love to have this book! The book I am currently reading this summer is called Random Family by Adrian LeBlanc. It's about coming of age in the Bronx-riveting! Here's to hoping I win:)


  28. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway. A wonderful YA book is the very well-written "A Northern Light" by Jennifer Donnely. In the light of vampirish heroines and themes so popular now, the very real and strong young woman in this book is refreshing and inspiring. That and interesting vocabulary such as "fractious" and "xerophilous."

  29. I would love this book! I have four kids that are always bored in the truck and I refuse to let them to zone out to movies the whole time.
    Summer reading - my favorite fiction author is Jodi Piccoult. ALWAYS good!

  30. Looks like a fun book. Seems like I've mostly been in cookbooks and how-to books this summer. I did find an older cookbook passed along from my mom from the 70s full of great whole grain and other sorts of healthy recipes.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Oh how wonderful! My daughter and I are making our way through the Little House on the Praire set.

  32. I finally read The Help when I went away for the weekend and had enough time to get into it.

  33. i'd have to say "me talk pretty one day" by david sedaris. it's a collection of vignettes that are laugh out loud funny. perfect for summer.

  34. I've loved the Beatrix Potter book series this summer. We've been reading them aloud at night. You probably wanted an 'adult book' but I can't seem to find time to read for myself. However, the next book on my list is 'Peep Show' written by Braff (Zach Braff's brother). It looked interesting ~

  35. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. I didn't want it to end!

  36. This has been a reading-heavy summer, on the nightstand right now I've got:

    Caddie Woodlawn (reading it aloud to the 5-year-old, never read it myself and enjoying it)

    Losing Our Cool: Uncomfortable Truths About Our Air-Conditioned World (a little rough going with back-to-back heat waves -- we don't have central ac, but eye-opening so far)

    Birthday Cakes by Kathryn Kleinman (I want to bake them ALL)

    and....wow, I could go on all day. But those are the three I had open yesterday!

  37. I think book sounds great, too. I'm always looking for exciting things to do with the kids and I think just the title would excite them :)
    The kids and I are currently reading "James and the Giant Peach" after just finishing "How to Train Your Dragon." The book I'm reading right now is "Spectacles of Deformity: A History of Freak Shows in 19th Century Britain." How about that for breezy summer reading?! Ha ha!

  38. Jane Eyre is the best book I have read this summer but it is more of a re-read of a favorite!

  39. Thanks for the chance to win this book -- it looks awesome. Recently, I have been reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. It's several novellas linked together by a thread of a relationship between a character in one novella to a character of the following novella. I'm half way through, I enjoy this book more than any I've read in a long time.

  40. what a great little book. :) Not many adult books this summer, but lots of reading with L... love the BFG!

  41. our favorite summer read is Thimble Summer! i cannot believe it is not a more well known classic! it is a happy summer read about everyday happy summer life in rural Wisconsin. what a sweet book where the siblings actually like eachother and love their lives just as they are. we just might start every summer by reading it!

  42. i would love this book. the guernsey potato peel pie literary society has been a recent favorite of mine for this summer. light hearted , creative, and very enjoyable. a children's book that i love is called gulliver snip by julia kay. it's about a little boy who has wild adventures on a clipper ship while taking his bath. on one side of the page is his where his imagination is taking him and on the other is what is actually happening as he he's bathing. it's very imaginative and the text is so much fun to read aloud.

  43. Age of Opportunity....awesome book.....by Paul David Tripp.....thanks for a chance to win a fun book!!!

  44. I love all of your book suggestions!

  45. I read In Other Rooms, Other Wonders by Mueenuddin which tells several interconnected stories that explore the feudal system in Pakistan. Fascinating.

  46. I've been reading The Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig.

  47. Is it okay to want this book for ME to play with? :) Thanks for offering this giveaway.

    I finally finished all 500+ pages of William Least Heat-Moon's "Roads to Quoz" and wanted to dive into it again right away. How come nobody told me about him before?!?

    pneuwarum (at) gmail (dot) com

  48. Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is great blog. A great read.
