

My nine year old boy is a cub scout. He's working his way through the bear book right now, and I love watching him find new things to be interested in.

Like stamps!

He discovered that you can earn a belt loop (very exciting to have tons of little metal belt loops packed onto those cub scout belts) doing this. I decided to be generous and donate some of the stamps I randomly happen to have to the cause.

When he was trying to figure out where to put the stamps, I remembered this great picture from Martha Stewart Kids that I had torn out years ago (sigh. How many other great projects did I not tear out? Come back, Martha Stewart Kids! Is it wrong to miss a magazine so deeply?)

(And while I'm scanning old MS Kids pictures, look at how sweet this little album is -

And this!

And - are you kidding me?! Have you seen this sweetest dress ever?)

Oh my, I'm getting distracted.

Back to business: does anyone want to swap post-cards with us, to trade some stamps? Email me - it could be fun, right?


  1. Hi! My name is Becca and I love your blog! I had to comment, because I am with you on the ms kids--ah, if only it was still in publication! I started subscribing to it my last year in college (married, but no kids until four years later!) and, like you, I have many little clippings from the old issues. I keep trying to convince my husband that we really do need all these binders full of articles, which is getting old after THREE cross-country moves. oy.

    oh, and sorry! We only have the unoriginal forever stamps from costco. good luck with your project!

  2. Raising hand - yes, yes, and yes! Would love to swap postcards with Ethan... in fact, I've got a mahrvelous collection of stamps from all over the world that are reserved for just this purpose: USING. So ask Ethan to pick a continent, any continent (well, except Antartica of course), and I'll stick on a few extra stamps - {ahem} just for good measure.

    email me to exchange addresses?

  3. what a great collection! Love the little books too!

  4. We have some fun stamps for Ethan...I love the photos, such a beautiful post.

  5. And goodness, those mini books are amazing!

  6. I miss that magazine too, and love those little books.

  7. I used to collect stamps with my Grandpa when I was little! I wonder where they went... I'd send them all to you if I ever find them! I think I have every issue of MS Kids and cried when it ended. It was the best! Let me know if you want me to scan anything you think of but don't have!

  8. ooh, yes, please. my daughter is getting very much into mail, though she's only 4 3/4. i'm in switzerland and about to visit france. oh, and i've got some spare dutch ones. how do we do this?

  9. you should sign up for postcrossing.com for every postcard you send somewhere (they give you addresses from their database) you receive one in return...I have been doing it for years now and have heaps of postcards(and stamps) from all over the world!

  10. hi Valentina! I couldn't find your email...send me your email and we'll swap addresses!

  11. Lynne,

    We love stamps too, we'd love to swap postcards!


  12. I loved the Martha Stewart kids magazine! Do you know which book or magazine the blackbirds embroidery was in? I would LOVE to put that on a dress for my toddler!

  13. I loved the Martha Stewart kids magazine! Do you know which book or magazine the blackbirds embroidery was in? I would LOVE to put that on a dress for my toddler!
