
Happy Halloween!

This year we have in our house an Indian Princess (with a baby in a papoose), convict, and the Indian Princess's pet cat, Gumdrop. (And a baby with a panda bear hat, not pictured because she was eating breakfast. Go Giants!)


  1. oh my that indian princess looks so grown up! we really haven't seen you for years . . . and years . . . and years.

    good to see the convict making a break for it.

  2. Goodness that papoose is adorable! And all of the real children are cute too, as always.

  3. Your Indian Princess is adorable! Love the photo of the fleeing convict!

  4. Yes the papoose would make any girl happy. Did you make the dress? So chic!

  5. The Indian Princess is wonderful and the papoose is so good. Did you make this costume or where did you buy it? I love it

  6. Oh, thank you for the compliments on the indian dress. I made it without a pattern - super simple since it didn't need to be at all fitted, so it was just easier to wing it. The fabric at the front is leftover from when I upholstered her headboard (also I used it to wrap her little baby doll in the papoose).

  7. The wren-u in the back ground made me giggle. You are so funny! I hope all is well : )

  8. My favorite is the convict...ha! I love it! Your daughter looks beautiful as an Indian Princess! My daughter is too old this year to trick-or-treat...boo... but this picture reminded me of her Indian costume when she was little!

  9. Your menu also cracks me up Lynne!

  10. Your menu also cracks me up Lynne!
