
What are you reading this month?

...only 18 days until Harry Potter comes out in the theater - which means it's time to re-read The Deathly Hallows (what a fun task!)

...just finishing Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. Excellent, rich book. So great, especially if you love all things England & Tudors. Might make you hungry for baked mushrooms in cream.

...dying to get More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. I am still the world's worst knitter, but it doesn't stop me from enthusiastically starting (and subsequently abandoning) a new knitting project about every other week.

...did you know that you can take free college classes online (not for credit, but for personal benefit) from lots and lots of universities? I just finished a great one from my alma mater BYU (here's the link to the list of their free classes) - and here is a link that will take you to a list of other universities' classes, including Tufts, Stanford, Berkeley, and MIT. So awesome!! I think I'm going to start this one next. The best part of course is that there are no grades and no deadlines - it's all for the pure pleasure of learning. I love it.


  1. Thanks for the link up Lynn. We all need to take some time to keep our minds sharp. (So nice to know you're a cougar too!)

  2. Joelle Hoverson.. just thought I'd let you know.

    Thanks for the heads up on the free college courses. It won't be the same as when I would swing by the Wilk on my way to the Brimhall Building!

  3. Oh, thanks Brooke! All fixed.

    I know, I know. No grasshopper shakes from the gourmet cosmo connection, either!

  4. I would have never known that you could take continuing education online classes for free. I am going to have to look into them. Very cool!

    I am currently reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, and it is an amazing book. I am also reading David Sedaris' newest collection of short stories entitled Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk. I am a huge fan of David Sedaris' books, however this one is not one of his best works.

  5. Ugh! Wolf Hall was pure torture for me. I'd rather be thrown into the Tower of London than read that one again. You must be much smarter than me, probably from taking those online courses.
    Katie probably told you we just read the Lonely Polygamist. LOVED that one. This month it's Never Let Me Go. Also very English.

  6. Oh, good reminder! I should really reread the last HP before seeing the movie. I'm reading an Ian McEwan right now - Enduring Love. It's goooood.

  7. Kari - dying to read the Lonely Polygamist! Katie totally raved about that one. Did she tell you about how much she loved the Elegance of the Hedgehog? :)

  8. Great idea for the courses. And I LOVE the photograph of Pippy reading in bed.

  9. Oh and I just read Suite Française. Audrey had recommended it to me. I loved it.

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  11. um, no. I didn't know you could take classes for free...I'm going to check it out!

    I'm reading the Chronicles of Narnia series right now. I found the whole collection for $1 at a yard sale.
    I finally broke down and bought the A Well Trained Mind (I'm pretty sure we are going to be homeschooling next year)~ Anyway,
    such a cute 'reading' picture!

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  13. I'm excited about the new Harry Potter too! I'm listening to Deathly Hallows on audio. Such fun. And I also recently finished Wolf Hall and loved it too.

    I love the idea of learning for learning's sake. Thank you for the links.

    And get the Hoverson knitting book. It's such a beauty. And there are many projects suitable for a beginner.

  14. My Father in Law just went to a conference on Open Education (aka free college courses on line) and was recommending MIT and Stanford. He said that BYU is working on doing some courses.

    So ... wouldn't it be fun to do the lit course at MIT together? When should we start?
